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Author Topic: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.  (Read 15318 times)


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I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« on: January 20, 2011, 10:42:52 pm »
Let me start by saying I really dig the company Arturia, they have done great plugin work. I like my Origin. I hoped for more. This unit is far from pro gear. It fails constantly. It can not work on so many levels. It hangs constantly (i.e. the panic button) like no other gear. None of my synths need a panic button because none of my synths hang. An example of this is my tenori on will run every synth perfect but once I plug in to my origin it flips it out. I am working on a new track now with Steinberg and every 2 minutes I must hit the panic button.
This in my opinion is very unpro..I am afraid to use it live. I would sell my unit but would not rip someone off. They would blame me for the issues which this unit faces. I dont care about more templates, I just want a working unit. Please fix the stabillity of this product..I have not done the new updates because I am not a beta tester, and do not want to play games. If this was a car you would have to do a recall and fix every unit at your cost. I am afraid their is no fix because it exists in the hardware not the software, and it will never work properly for this reason..I have waited long enough, so please Arturia man up and fix this ..I would never take my customers money than sit back and tell them they are F-ed . I would give them their money back and appologise for the problem, or replace the defect with a perfect remade unit, or not sell any units at all. So please since you have my money, and I am stuck with my Origin help me enjoy it. It currently is my most expensive failure.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2011, 11:10:57 pm »
P.s. if I add a midi filter and allow only note on note off thru the hanging is less , but I want to use the controll surface too (i.e. filter cut off, so on). I sequence with Cubase 5, and some times Ableton Live. I own 10 synths currently and as said before none of them have a panic button. Every now and then I get a hanging not here or there but in cubase I hit the midi reset button . Each of my keyboards might get caught once in a blue moon, maybe every year or so once, the origin hangs at least 5 times a session, the cubase reset button wont rest the origin only the panic button will, and this makes me more mad because Arturia new this and so built the panic button as a solution. Didnt fix the hardware just built an idiot button. Why???????


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2011, 07:45:57 am »
I have to agree, the hanging is a problem. Its the only synth in my studio that has this issue and I have the same fears about using it live. Also, the loading up time is so long that I worry about it switching off/on during a gig. There are other simple tech glitches in the unit too like the master volume resetting to 0.

For nearly £2000 just for the rack unit you would expect a bit more class, but if Arturia manage to acheive everything they want from this synth it could eventually make most other studio synths redundant. This is the most ambitious synth project currently going and that makes the holes here and there tolerable.

That's why it doesn't make it a waste of money yet, Origin is so versatile that its really settled into my studio and workflow quite comfortably. Don't get too frustrated. Hopefully they'll iron out the problems over the next few updates and you'll feel that your money was well spent.

That said, I'm hoping that now the Keyboard version is out, the updates will be quicker this year. Its been over 2 years since the first Origin shipped and Arturia are still yet to officially release a second template (although this is imminent). I think it requires a level of faith in Arturia to own an Origin and hopefully they'll deliver on that in time.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2011, 10:16:18 am »
Hi guys!

Here's another sad story about Origin desktop:

Some time ago I started to use AF-software and MiniMg V (I still do) which liked a lot. Now when I had this money I decided to buy Origin for live use. As professional keyboard player I do 100 to 150 gigs per year for living. So my idea was to have those sounds to stage without liability problems you always have with computer.

With Origin what happened? It's much more unreliable than my mac-based softsynth setup. From the very beginning I had problems with knobs; some of reacted without touching, some didn't give lowest or highest values. I reported this to my local dealer and then Scandinavian importor. First they tried to fix it here but it was obvious that they could not have replacement parts. Then I sent it to Sweden for more than a month. Yesterday I got it back. They had managed to repair few of those malfunctioning knobs but after 20 minutes testing I found 4-5 new broken knobs. Then I contacted to import company again and they said that they cannot give me a new unit or any guarantee that they can fix it reasonable time (they have lack of spairs I think). So it was their idea to cancel the deal. For me it's only reasonable thing to do at this time. Still I feel very disappointed cause I spent whole week of studying this machine and in fact I spent 300euros for special flight case and K&M-special stand (BTW is there anyone willing to buy them from me? :) ).

So I have had very bad technical problems with this module but then again there are all those firmware/software based problems as well (crashing etc.). Then all the customer support and delays in updates. List goes on and on. So I must say I have lost my faith to this machine and to this company...

I am very sorry for Arturia for their products which are great in principal but no in practise. I also have big big problems with their AF-controller (but it's a another story which you read on that forum).


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2011, 11:07:23 am »
I have not done the new updates because I am not a beta tester, and do not want to play games.

You really should update to the latest firmware (the latest is Version_1.3.14 and a newer in under preparation and should be made available for download soon). This firmware contains numerous fixes - including fixes on the MIDI messages management by the DSPs. It is now very close to the final release version so you're not taking a big risk here. And we do want to know if this version fixes your problem with the tenori on.
Origin Lead  Developer


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2011, 11:10:11 am »
MindPop, I think you misunderstood our intentions, which are, with maximum priority, to improve the stability and reliability of Origin with all these updates. It is true that the first version was quite bugged, but then the 1.1 and 1.2 firmware was released, and now with the 1.2.5 firmware we have a quite stable version and very few users are complaining about it. Sure, there are still some bugs which are reported, and thanks to these reports we are able to correct them in the 1.3 which is about to be released. And if you have any problem, like this hanging problem with your tenori-on and with Cubase, please report it and we will try to solve it.

and this makes me more mad because Arturia new this and so built the panic button as a solution. Didnt fix the hardware just built an idiot button. Why???????

This is not true: First, many synthesizers have a panic button, even some analog synths. The purpose of the panic button is to stop all notes and it's indeed very useful if the MIDI source you are connected to sends some corrupted data (for example once I owned a bugged Alesis IO|2 interface which was constantly "missing" some Note Off events from my keyboard, and I was very happy to have a Panic button on my synth, even if the synth was working well). Second, Arturia didn't know this before today, since the problem you are talking about has not been reported before. So please open a thread about this and we will find a solution.

Kidharpoon: Same thing for you, these problems about note hanging should be reported in order to be fixed... We are about to release a firmware update in the next days, the next one will be many months later, so if there is a chance that this issue gets corrected now, we should catch it and talk about this problem as soon as possible, in the right place (i.e. a dedicated thread in the Technical Problems board). About the problem of master volume resetting to 0, what firmware version do you have now? We have corrected this recently.

JacksonP: This is a very sad story. The problem here is that the swedish distributor has not followed the rules which are to send the unit back to us in France (you could also have sent it directly to us), and they tried to repair the unit by themselves. In your case, it seems that the whole front panel had to be replaced, while they have probably just replaced some knobs.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2011, 11:35:33 am »

We are about to release a firmware update in the next days, the next one will be many months later,

STOP !!!

According the milesstones the next Firmware is going to be released in Q1/2011, which ends in my calendar with 31.03.

I know that this is quiet unrealistic, but Arturia please... Always it is said, that you are a small company with limited manpower. But why do I see new products there, when the existing ones should got more attention?

I have no big complaints about my 1.2.5. Origin and I hope the smaller bugs are gone with the final release of 1.3., but please communicate with your customers! And please keep your promises!


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2011, 12:20:42 pm »
Superwaldi, the milestones are written by marketing people and that information is not really up to date. On the other hand what you can read on the forum is really up-to-date information. We will release the 1.3 in the next days, maybe beginning of next week if no new problem is reported by beta-test. Next version won't be released before July 2011.

The reason why there are some teams that are working on new products while some other teams work on Origin, is just that Origin updates are free and Arturia is not making money with them. And despite the high cost of the Origin, we don't make much money when we sell an Origin, because the production is expensive. So we NEED to work on new products at the same time, otherwise we would't even be able to work on Origin updates!


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2011, 01:43:20 pm »
I have a much more stable setup when I run the master keyboard via my MPC-1k. When I connect for example the SH-201 directly into the Origin I get the same results like Mindpop, frequent note hanging. I do not filter any data though, and it still works great.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2011, 01:59:40 pm »
It seems that some devices like the tenori-on and the SH-201 send particular MIDI messages that result in note hanging in Origin. Since we don't have any of these two here, it would be interesting to make a record of the MIDI sent to Origin when the note hanging occurs. This would allow us to reproduce and correct easily the problem.

The simplest way to do that is to connect a SH-201 or a tenori-on to the PC, install (if needed) and run MIDI-OX, and send the MIDI back to Origin. MIDI OX will display all MIDI messages in the Input or Output window.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2011, 05:01:44 pm »
Just a quick note:
Windows ==> MIDI-OX
Mac OS X ==> MIDI Monitor


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2011, 05:13:55 pm »
You test it . It is a problem you created then profited from . I do not work for you. It is not my job to tech your product. Thats actualy an insult. If my unit was free I would feel inclined to solve your problems, but alas I am a customer. You go buy a tenori on or any device and test in shop. Or give me a 50% rebate and I will help you .. As it stands I was sold a unit years ago that still lags.. I would never do this to my customers. EVER. I have owned my own store for 17 years in the Las Vegas airport and Ill back my product to DEATH. I go to the mountain and ring the bell every day. And I would never sugest my customers f off on their own after they pay me. I solve the problem.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 05:43:16 pm by MindPoP_ »


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2011, 06:03:14 pm »
Nobody is thinking about insulting you. You are right, it is our job to test and correct all the problems, not yours.
But, sometimes some bug may slip through and finish in official commercial versions. In a product as complex as Origin, since possibilities are unlimited, we can't test every possible situation. And I can guarantee that you can find bugs even in the products from the biggest and more famous companies.
Now, sure, we will correct that bug. It is your right not to help us, and wait until we find all the needed information alone. It will only take more time, while if you want to collaborate it could be faster, that's all.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2011, 06:45:31 pm »
Next version won't be released before July 2011.

The reason why there are some teams that are working on new products while some other teams work on Origin, is just that Origin updates are free and Arturia is not making money with them.

More than 5 month for the next update??!!!ummm a lot of time for the CS-80 template. I'm very dissapointed with this dates...

Can you tell that marketing people to correct the milestones document and show the real one?.

I know that the updates are free, but remember we (customers) have an incomplete machine since there are a lot of missing features "* To be delivered later on as a free upgrade".

And please can you fix the bug that me and other reported in the two threats "   
Origin Golden Master (?) Version 1.3.7" and "1.3 firmware sneak preview " (See attached image).
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 06:49:46 pm by Jeruro »

moogy blues

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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2011, 06:51:14 pm »
Whilst glitches experienced to date are a problem, this seems to be commonplace with software based audio products.

Ableton 8 suffered serious stability problems way beyond the problems I've experienced with origin and needed an official apology to be issued by the CEO.

Evidence to date shows that hardware is generally not the problem but the way in which software operates. This can be fixed and improved over time.

The latest version seems to be relatively stable for me and i certainly do not consider my origin use to date a failure.

as stated in music tech mag origin has few direct synth competitors due to its unusual range of sounds. Considering the volume of synth types out thats pretty good going



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