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Author Topic: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.  (Read 14999 times)

Sean W

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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2011, 07:23:40 pm »
 the last email we received from you back in June 2009 when we inquired about how your new Origin was working for you, was:
"My Origin rules, I am playing it now, writing a song with it"

Also, you posted on this forum in February 2010 to the question :Who owns an Origin?":
"I have one in Las Vegas NV USA and it rules. I have alot of fun with it."

Nothing else since then.
I am puzzled by your posts today.



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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2011, 08:15:08 pm »
I love the Origin, and its a really useful unit. I have no major complaints. Although, I do agree that the updates should be more of a priority, as a lot of the stuff we're waiting for was part of the reason in buying it. No-one's doing us a favor by making the updates, its delivering on a promise.

Once the Origin is fully loaded and all promised templates/modules are in place, I'd be happy to pay for additional content too rather than all development ceasing. Just floating that out there.

Anyway, July is a long time for the next update, but I've got enough to get my head round til then.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2011, 11:49:01 pm »
Next version won't be released before July 2011.

The reason why there are some teams that are working on new products while some other teams work on Origin, is just that Origin updates are free and Arturia is not making money with them.

More than 5 month for the next update??!!!ummm a lot of time for the CS-80 template. I'm very dissapointed with this dates...

I have to agree with this.  I'm puzzled as to why you guys chose the Jupiter 8 for your first new template when we can easily create a JP-8 with the modules on the Origin now.  Was it just to see how well and quickly you could add this new template?  ;)

The CS-80 is the synth which can't be made properly in the Origin as it is now.  I can't seem to get my Mg Modular V to work without bad latency with any of my PCs, so getting the CS-80 software is out of the question right now.  I know this has to be a beast to squeeze into the machine, but it seems obvious to me that since everything else can be cobbled together fairly completely, the 80 should be the focus of your efforts.  Then again, considering the arduous task it's been to make the Jupiter, maybe a little more time is in order...  ;D

The Origin I have now, v 1.25 I believe, is behaving very well, a little low in output level - okay, very low, but the sound is unmatched except by the actual analog gear it emulates, or perhaps an Andromeda which sadly I can't seem to get my hands on.  And I can fudge some CS-80 timbres very well with your box, so I won't complain... too loudly.  Especially since even the incredible KORG Kronos looming on the horizon won't be able to do some of what the Little O can do.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 11:51:19 pm by synthguy99 »
One day, I want my keyboard studio to be a synth museum like Hans Zimmer's



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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2011, 02:39:08 am »
I'd like to know how many of you are really using it on a stage? Can you trust it like any other hardware? It seems to me that most of the people here are using at home or at studio. It's not so big deal if it crashes sometimes; but when this happens on stage in the middle of the song and reseting it takes so long this can be a catastrophe. As said earlier I was hoping to have a powerful synth which I can trust. This trust is unfortunately gone; Ok, I admit I have had obviously very poor individual unit. But when I add to that my other bad experiences with Arturia hardware (AF-controller), very slow support and firmware problems, for me it is hard to believe that quite many professional keyboard players would count on that kind of thing. Arturia is selling something which is not ready yet.

Anyway I had my Origin for about 2 months and over a month it has been taken from me for warranty repair. I have no time to wait 1 or 2 months to have it finally fully repaired. I have gigs to make and I need a synth that I can trust. Simple as that.

Sad thing is that I like Origin sound and its design. I chose this module after a long process of testing and reading about different things. On the other hand I have learned also Origins limits as a sound module; for me it was very inspiring but also far from perfect. Anyway now I have to move to something more liable thing.

Let's see if in the future I can give Origin a new change. But then I have be sure that Arturia has really fixed those software issues and hardware is really made for normal gigging.

I've said this on the Analog Factory forum but I repeat it here: Beware Arturia! Too much critic on the internet about your products... Your company brand is going down with too many problems. All I can see now is critic here and there.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2011, 04:14:46 am »
I can use my Origin in any situation very well. Just have to switch on my MPC with certain master keyboards. Funny, other boards than the SH-201 don't seem to call for hanging notes. So, there must be a certain combination, maybe a grounding thing?

If I find time I will record the midi data from the Roland. Not sure, I will need a midi splitter as well and since I am not using much of my computer in the studio this might never happen.

On another note, I can care less about the templates. The Jp8 is actually a very nice sounding one but to buy the Origin for the templates is a mute point. I am pretty  happy with what I have and actually was very impressed by the small amount of bugs in the first software cycles.

Ahhh, and do not get me started that updates are free when all what Arturia is doing is to just for-filling your promises. That is a low one. It is time that you get a real customer person who is handling all the communication instead of letting the engineers insulting us. That doesn't promote sales neither.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2011, 06:24:43 am »
They aren't insulting us.  They're stating facts  calmly and rationally, and I hadn't considered their point.

Arturia is a small company.  The Origin is selling all right, but it apparently isn't setting the synth world on fire with high volume of sales.  They have to provide cheaper alternatives to provide some income.  They need this income to keep paying their engineers and designers.  They won't work for free.  So we should all be glad that they're working for months and years to keep improving the Origin and giving it new features, because working a long time on software that they give away is a big resource drain on a company which is probably living on a rather narrow margin.

I didn't buy the Origin for its templates either.  I bought it for the wealth of virtual synthesizer modules which I can use to make all kinds of new sounds.  And not just that, but new virtual instruments.  I knew it would sound very good.  I didn't know that it would sound unbelievably good.

Having said that, I really do want to see that CS-80 template badly.  Unfortunately, it just doesn't have the power to let me build a full blown CS-80 in it.  I have to settle for most of one, and to rely on my Radias, Virus and M3 to provide lesser alternatives if I want to throw in more CS-like elements, like the ring modulator, or two full voices with lots of filters and modulation running.  And they do a pretty good job.  I'd rather do it on the Origin, but I make do, and wait for the day that the CS-80 template shows up on my screen.  ;)
One day, I want my keyboard studio to be a synth museum like Hans Zimmer's



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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2011, 08:02:19 am »
Superwaldi, the milestones are written by marketing people and that information is not really up to date. On the other hand what you can read on the forum is really up-to-date information. We will release the 1.3 in the next days, maybe beginning of next week if no new problem is reported by beta-test. Next version won't be released before July 2011.

The reason why there are some teams that are working on new products while some other teams work on Origin, is just that Origin updates are free and Arturia is not making money with them. And despite the high cost of the Origin, we don't make much money when we sell an Origin, because the production is expensive. So we NEED to work on new products at the same time, otherwise we would't even be able to work on Origin updates!

Thanks for the explanations but please understand that I (as a customer) don't care about this. There were promises as I bought the unit and there was a timeline. Don't get me wrong... I am happy with my Origin generally, but all the official communication from Arturia side is a kind of poor. I just want that Arturia is paying more attention to this.

I see some engaged people as you here around the forum, which are in direct contact with the Origin users, therefore it is a pitty, that you people are blamed instead of the "management", which is responsible  for the intransparent company policy.

Moreover it is not that much work, to keep the website up to date.

moogy blues

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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2011, 08:28:06 am »
I'd like to know how many of you are really using it on a stage? Can you trust it like any other hardware? It seems to me that most of the people here are using at home or at studio.

I've read about other live acts having back up plans in the event of equipment failure particularly with software based set ups. Even a basic CD / audio player to switch to that has a pre-recorded set can give time to get the live rig back up and running without letting the audience realise that there's a major foul up.
I have used my origin out at small events but if I do proper gigs in future I will have other gear linked to my system to ensure any crash does not lead to an embarrassing silence!


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2011, 09:58:24 am »
But one more point about this live use and it's not about software/firaware problem. That's what I am maybe more worried about Origin: Does it last (for years) with normal portable use; putting to case, sometimes bumby roads, putting to stand and back to case and back to car etc.etc.? And situations like that 50-100 gigs per year for example. This is what I want from my hardware synth. Machine with so many knobs and obviously complicated structure inside (they say that it's difficult or even impossible to repair it elsewhere than in france) made me re-think the whole issue again.

Have anyone of you put it to test like this?

moogy blues

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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2011, 01:41:43 pm »
Have to admit I would like a purpose built padded flight case. The joystick in particular is at risk of damage. If I do start taking it out regularly this will be a priority.
(NB Did Superwaldi say he was selling one?)

It seems like a solid piece of hardware but only time will tell if it they are prone to fault after extensive live use.

I tend to treat mine like a fragile object and always consider placement to ensure accident potential is limited


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2011, 03:43:11 pm »
They aren't insulting us.  They're stating facts  calmly and rationally, and I hadn't considered their point.

I think it is time that they consider our point. When I bought the Origin there were certain things promised by the end of that year. And that year was 2009.

Now, I can understand when things need more time or you run into a road block. Just seeing how the last beta went I feel that Arturia doesn't have the right tester base either. However, that is all fine with me. But stating that the work is postponed because you don't earn enough with the instrument or you need to do some other new developments first is not fair. You got my money upfront, now it is time to deliver.

I bet Arturia could sell much more Origins when they would address issues and promises more timely and polite. And they certainly could ask for more money too. But they chose to go a different route.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2011, 06:49:40 pm »
Have to admit I would like a purpose built padded flight case.
(NB Did Superwaldi say he was selling one?)

No, he didn't.


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2011, 04:24:51 pm »
My thoughts:

- The sound of the Origin con not be denied.  I have a TON of gear, and as far as analog sound goes, Origin has them all beat.  Now....with that said:

-As a company, you can not really expect us to just go with you guys telling us that you are not making enough money to support Origin.  How much money did it cost to develop that new drum machine I see on your homepage?  You simply CAN NOT use the "we are a small company" excuse if you are selling $2000 synths.  For that kind of money, we expect support.  It is a slap in face to tell us that you are selling the unit for so cheap that you can not support it without building other units.

-When I bought my Origin, I did so because of some of the promises made about what the unit would do.  The MAIN reason I purchased it, was because you said that you were developing a VST plugin that would run with Origin in my DAW.  I even email you guys to ask about it.  NOW, you have since totally removed this advertisement from the website.  Is this still in developement?  Can you give a reasonable date for the release?  I have owned the unit for 1 1/2 years now....is it REALLY taking that long, or is this feature not coming?  And if you can not give us a date for this feature 2 years after you said it was on the way, how can you expect us to believe anything you are saying AT ALL?


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2011, 08:25:59 pm »
My thoughts:

- The sound of the Origin con not be denied.  I have a TON of gear, and as far as analog sound goes, Origin has them all beat.  Now....with that said:

-As a company, you can not really expect us to just go with you guys telling us that you are not making enough money to support Origin.  How much money did it cost to develop that new drum machine I see on your homepage?  You simply CAN NOT use the "we are a small company" excuse if you are selling $2000 synths.  For that kind of money, we expect support.  It is a slap in face to tell us that you are selling the unit for so cheap that you can not support it without building other units.

-When I bought my Origin, I did so because of some of the promises made about what the unit would do.  The MAIN reason I purchased it, was because you said that you were developing a VST plugin that would run with Origin in my DAW.  I even email you guys to ask about it.  NOW, you have since totally removed this advertisement from the website.  Is this still in developement?  Can you give a reasonable date for the release?  I have owned the unit for 1 1/2 years now....is it REALLY taking that long, or is this feature not coming?  And if you can not give us a date for this feature 2 years after you said it was on the way, how can you expect us to believe anything you are saying AT ALL?

I'm completely agree with you. The most painful for me is that there will be no updates in 6 months...


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Re: I have had the origin since day one and heres the deal.
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2011, 07:38:56 pm »
 the last email we received from you back in June 2009 when we inquired about how your new Origin was working for you, was:
"My Origin rules, I am playing it now, writing a song with it"

Also, you posted on this forum in February 2010 to the question :Who owns an Origin?":
"I have one in Las Vegas NV USA and it rules. I have alot of fun with it."

Nothing else since then.
I am puzzled by your posts today.


I was being kind for Aturia to show support. I guess Im a liar for Arturia. I was being kind to revup intrest I appologise and will only complain from now on and not just be a whiping boy.The unit is cool dont get me wrong but the errors are agregious. ps.. my friend wants to know if your new i-pad app has a panic button?


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