MindPop, I think you misunderstood our intentions, which are, with maximum priority, to improve the stability and reliability of Origin with all these updates. It is true that the first version was quite bugged, but then the 1.1 and 1.2 firmware was released, and now with the 1.2.5 firmware we have a quite stable version and very few users are complaining about it. Sure, there are still some bugs which are reported, and thanks to these reports we are able to correct them in the 1.3 which is about to be released. And if you have any problem, like this hanging problem with your tenori-on and with Cubase, please report it and we will try to solve it.
and this makes me more mad because Arturia new this and so built the panic button as a solution. Didnt fix the hardware just built an idiot button. Why?

This is not true: First, many synthesizers have a panic button, even some analog synths. The purpose of the panic button is to stop all notes and it's indeed very useful if the MIDI source you are connected to sends some corrupted data (for example once I owned a bugged Alesis IO|2 interface which was constantly "missing" some Note Off events from my keyboard, and I was very happy to have a Panic button on my synth, even if the synth was working well). Second, Arturia didn't know this before today, since the problem you are talking about has not been reported before. So please open a thread about this and we will find a solution.
Kidharpoon: Same thing for you, these problems about note hanging should be reported in order to be fixed... We are about to release a firmware update in the next days, the next one will be many months later, so if there is a chance that this issue gets corrected now, we should catch it and talk about this problem as soon as possible, in the right place (i.e. a dedicated thread in the Technical Problems board). About the problem of master volume resetting to 0, what firmware version do you have now? We have corrected this recently.
JacksonP: This is a very sad story. The problem here is that the swedish distributor has not followed the rules which are to send the unit back to us in France (you could also have sent it directly to us), and they tried to repair the unit by themselves. In your case, it seems that the whole front panel had to be replaced, while they have probably just replaced some knobs.