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Free Speech / Polybrute Sequenzer startet nicht
« Last post by DJPITTY on June 07, 2023, 03:47:44 pm »
Hallo zusammen..wer kann helfen? Mein Poly startet nicht nachdem ich eine Sequenz aufgenommen.Ist jemanden das Problem bekannt? Updates sind alle auf neuesten Stand habe
I'm aware that this feed is outdated, but I'll give it a shot before beginning a new one.
I recently purchased a KeyLab Essential with Analogue Labs 4 and V. Both are installed, but neither can be seen by my Daw (Cubase 5).
My plugins are in windowsx86 , steinberg , cubase, vst plugins and they all work fine.
Windows, programmes, and vst plugins already come with Analogue Lab 4 and V installed.
I double-checked that the path was added because Cubase was unable to load them. Even after a complete restart, the plugins were still hidden. I then tried copying and pasting the dll files from the windows vst plugins to the windows x86, steinberg, cubase, and vst plugins. I then rebooted my computer completely, but the problem persisted.
The dll files for the analogue lab are included in a single folder, I've verified. I've reinstalled Analogue 4 and V and then reinstalled cubase and still cubase won't see them. I'm unsure about my options.
I am aware that cubase does not accept 32-bit plugins, but since Analogue Labs 4 and V are so recent, I am confident they will be 64-bit.
MicroFreak - Technical Issues / clicking noise when switching presets
« Last post by faktori on June 07, 2023, 03:04:09 am »
Hi! Almost every time I switch presets, there is a clicking or plopping sound. Any ideas what might cause this?
I currently use a TR plug to connect to an unsymmetric line in of a mixing console. Would switching to a TRS/XLR cable help? Or is it a grounding problem?

Any suggestions are highly appreciated, since this is a real problem in a live situation ... ok, not a REAL problem bur it is just annoying and sounds bad, just as if something were defective ...

KeyStep Pro - General Discussions / Using KSP as Master and Ableton as Slave
« Last post by monk on June 06, 2023, 10:00:08 pm »
Has anyone managed to set up their KSP in Ableton, so that the KSP starts the record process?
I can't seem to set it up this way. Are there any tutorials to show how to do this?
Thank you

It's unfortunately not possible to use external effects from like Arturias FX Collection 4 in Analog Lab.
It's unfortunately also not possible in the individual full applications.

I'm not sure what you ask. And what you mean with "Just" a VST host.
(BTW effects also come as VST's. They are just VSTe's (e for effect) and not VSTi's (i for instrument).)

Analog Lab can play sounds from all Arturias software instruments without you own the full instrument applications.
But at the same time it also is a way to sell the full applications.
It's integrated with Arturia controllers.

If you own individual full applications, then you have the same edit possibilities in Analog Lab for that instrument, otherwise the edit possibilities is limited.

It's possible to combine two instruments in Analog Lab Multi instrument presets that only can be used in Analog Lab. The sounds can be layered or split.
Analog Lab have it's own build in effect section and a mixer. Those are are part of Analog Labs own preset format.

Analog Lab share and can exchange single presets with the individual full applications.

Analog Lab is in more ways a part of a system. It's a tool. It's not directly a instrument in it self as it use sounds from the full instruments. It also is'nt just a VST host for Arturias software instruments, and as said, then outboard effects unfortunately can't be used in Analog Lab as it is.
Free Speech / Arturia discount amounts are confusing to me
« Last post by VitaminD on June 06, 2023, 06:17:03 pm »
I own 7 Arturia FX plugins, yet I see my discount is only 100 dollars. 

On one page I see $299 for FX4 and another $199.  Both seem a bit high to me, considering what I own.

V-Collection pricing is about as disappointing for me as I own 4 of the synths outright and still only get a 100 dollar discount.

I also see in other forums people mentioning their confusion on Arturia discount pricing -- one person even said, depending on webpage loaded, they see three different prices 89 69 and 49 for the same FX4 update!  (of course they went with 49)

I think Arturia needs a defined and visible discount structure across the board.  I really don't understand how the discount amounts are calculated.
KeyLab Essential - Technical Issues / Re: KL Essential MK3 + LOGIC
« Last post by _D_i_d_s_ on June 06, 2023, 03:48:26 pm »
Yes. It's showing in the Setup. Also selected KL essential mk3 MIDI in the in/out midi port
MCC Daw control is set to none.
KeyLab Essential - Technical Issues / Re: KL Essential MK3 + LOGIC
« Last post by LowPassFilter on June 06, 2023, 03:34:11 pm »
And did you select the Keylab Essential mk3 under Logic Pro > Control Surface > Setup?
KeyLab Essential - General Discussions / Re: Complete and utter n00by
« Last post by ukehunt on June 06, 2023, 03:25:18 pm »
Same here. Got 61 model and set it up. Lovely sounds in IV and V keylabs.

Opened Ableton Live Lite. Expected just to be able to press keyboard and sound come out in Ableton. Yeah right? So complicated. I just want to play some notes on the keyboard and record them - it should be so easy. I have read so many tutorials that go on about "mapping" and then using Ablton's sounds. I want the ones inside the keyboard!

How difficult should it be? Press a few keys and record them. Any better software out there I could use? Cubase 5 was so easy.

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