« Last post by Milkman76 on July 04, 2023, 07:08:48 pm »
This seems to be a long term problem of the Microfreak, and its a problem I am experiencing today. The forum is reminding me about the age of this post, but perhaps if the old issue did not still exist, we wouldnt need to bump old threads?
I've had to do some work to get the MF working inside Cubase 12 and Bitwig 4/5, but at this point I have it working (MIDI in/out, arp out, pattern out, no audio glitches or anything strange there).
Nothing else in my studio behaves like the Microfreak at a MIDI level -- Korg, Novation, Akai, or any software instrument.
When I have the MF connected to my DAW (any DAW), and I am using the MF's pattern mode, the MF sends what seem like random CC messages out on MIDI channel 1/all. No other mode does this. (arp, normal notes). Changing the
MF's MIDI channels do not seem to have any effect on the messages coming from it in pattern mode. I could disable the MF's "arp/seq: MIDI out", but then I lose that feature.
--First problem: I have a Vector Synth in my studio which picks up the CCs coming from MF no matter what MIDI input channels it is on. I cant seem to filter them out. This causes random parameter changes on that hardware synth!
My other synths dont seem to pick up the CCs
--Second problem: this seems to occasionally cause the Vector Synth to freeze/reboot, and for the DAW to become unstable. I notice the Vector loses MIDI sync just before this happens. This never happens unless the Microfreak and Vector are
connected at the same time. Cubase freezes/crashes, sometimes the entire PC. Bitwig just restarts its audio engine and continues once devices have been restarted.
I also notice my windows 10 logs have many errors coming from the arturiausbmidi driver. These errors began just after installing firmware 5.0 and the latest USB driver via the MIDI control center. Please see the attached.
Is there any progress made on understanding why this is happening, and potentially fixing it? My only workaround right now is to disable the features in question.