« Last post by paxtonleiny on June 07, 2023, 03:36:56 am »
I'm aware that this feed is outdated, but I'll give it a shot before beginning a new one.
I recently purchased a KeyLab Essential with Analogue Labs 4 and V. Both are installed, but neither can be seen by my Daw (Cubase 5).
My plugins are in windowsx86 , steinberg , cubase, vst plugins and they all work fine.
Windows, programmes, and vst plugins already come with Analogue Lab 4 and V installed.
I double-checked that the path was added because Cubase was unable to load them. Even after a complete restart, the plugins were still hidden. I then tried copying and pasting the dll files from the windows vst plugins to the windows x86, steinberg, cubase, and vst plugins. I then rebooted my computer completely, but the problem persisted.
The dll files for the analogue lab are included in a single folder, I've verified. I've reinstalled Analogue 4 and V and then reinstalled cubase and still cubase won't see them. I'm unsure about my options.
I am aware that cubase does not accept 32-bit plugins, but since Analogue Labs 4 and V are so recent, I am confident they will be 64-bit.