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Author Topic: V6 Upgrade.  (Read 41163 times)


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #60 on: January 02, 2018, 03:23:35 pm »
You didn't miss it, they didn't say that. But they did say that 199 was the best price that there would ever be. Therefore if the price is lowered then those customers that paid the 199 would have a case of false advertising. Saying that this upgrade would not LIKELY be offered at a lower price would keep the door open instead of setting it in stone. A promise is a promise so breaking it would at the least annoy the early upgraders and make undermine confidence in the company. That's just my opinion as a European where advertising and selling laws are very strict. Those who really want the upgrade will just pay the price anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter.  ???


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #61 on: January 02, 2018, 04:55:11 pm »
You didn't miss it, they didn't say that. But they did say that 199 was the best price that there would ever be. Therefore if the price is lowered then those customers that paid the 199 would have a case of false advertising. Saying that this upgrade would not LIKELY be offered at a lower price would keep the door open instead of setting it in stone. A promise is a promise so breaking it would at the least annoy the early upgraders and make undermine confidence in the company. That's just my opinion as a European where advertising and selling laws are very strict. Those who really want the upgrade will just pay the price anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter.  ???
So what you wrote about Arturia possibly being sued was all your words. Remember that companies have the right to change terms whenever they feel like doing so - it's all in the fine print. Arturia promised NOTHING. Upgrade prices have been known to drop further on down the road. I'd give it to some time later in 2018 to see some place like Audio Deluxe have a price drop on the upgrade and then Sweetwater after that.

So people would get annoy early purchasers if the upgrade price were to drop; not like that hasn't happened before. How about Waves plugins purchasers that paid either full price or even a reduced price and then saw those same plugins have another priced drop during the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays? A lot of people got mad about that but you don't see them quoting European law do you? Remember that the whole world doesn't have to pay attention to those strictures and sales and pricing terms and how they might change  vary from country to country.
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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #62 on: January 02, 2018, 05:23:53 pm »
I pretty much agree with you but you appear to have missed my point. I assumed English was your first language but no matter. :)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 11:19:32 pm by maxdamage »


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #63 on: January 02, 2018, 07:52:39 pm »
I got this in a mail from Arturia today.

Quote from: Arturia
Your previous version entitle you to the best offer you will ever receive. Get V Collection 6 for 199 € instead of 499 €.

This is ridiculous. Arturia must be the only software company that charges full retail price for an upgrade!!! This is unbelievable. This "offer" feels close to an attempted blackmail.

Arturia. Don't forget that there is the piracy option (which looks more and more tempting, unfortunately). It takes only 0,46 seconds to find a download link for a pirated copy of V Collection 6 on Google.


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #64 on: January 02, 2018, 11:38:21 pm »
I pretty much agree with you but you appear to have missed my point. I assumed English was your first language but no matter. :)
What in the world has whatever language is my first language have to do with this thread? BTW I am a native English (actually American) speaking person. I missed YOUR point? How about you missed the point I was trying to make and that was Arturia has the right to change the terms at their whim an no law can change that. I'm sure that Arturia, who's based in Grenoble, knows exactly how to get around any law. Besides that European law holds no water internationally (like here in the USA).
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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #65 on: January 06, 2018, 01:22:05 am »
Yeah, I saw that little detail too. I don't think I would have phrased it like they did. Anyone who buys it now and then sees it cheaper, latter, is going to be a little bit peeved.
It also sounded a little ugly.
I won't be getting it for that price. I don't think it's a particularly excessive price... what €50 a plugin basically... I've paid more than that for individual instruments from them and other developers before (I've also paid less too).

The problem for me is that I found the instrument additions a bit eclectic. If they had been a different 4 instruments I might have bitten.
DX7 V. I tried the demos... the best by far is the DX... loads of scope there. You get the original sounds, plus the opportunity to program some interesting stuff yourself... with some great new additions the original didn't have.
CMI V. I was really looking forward to the Fairlight... but was disappointed, I have some other libraries that actually cover some more iconic Fairlight sounds than those I found here. I think perhaps that maybe something to do with the particular model/s they used samples from... seems to me like they need to think about adding some "expansion discs" to that library. Some of the best sounds here were very "cinematic" and not too musical. If I were writing the next Petshop Boys track I would be very let down... If I was recording the soundtrack for "Scanners II: The Revenge of the Exploding Heads" I would be really chuffed.
Buchla Easel V. Again like the CMI, this sounds great for 60s and 70s scifi horror, but I don't think I personally would find much other use for it... maybe creating a sound library of weird sounds to sell on to other musicians working on movies? Again here, the problem might be the patches that come with the synth... they just seemed to be TOO specific. I'd need to have a specific project in the pipeline to justify that synth... or at least at that price.
Clavinet V. Buff, how many clavs do you already have? Same here... nice, great level of control, but another clav? At 29 dolars maybe (yup bought that one just a little while ago). Clavs also come with so many bundles already.

Seems to me that a couple of the products are just not going to be that appealing to customers... that's going to give them the perception that instead of €50 for 4 plugins, they are actually paying €100 for 2 (the only 2 they are really interested in). Had it been DX7 V, CMI V, JV1080 V and D50 V I would have gone for it.

That said, I think that Arturia have created some great products, but at €199 there's just not enough of what I want to justify spending the cash on V6 instead of something else.
Does'nt help that there are also other companies that have great synth bundles too, some that have only just been released.

V6 has also been a bit thin on the ground in relation to videos on YouTube... some of the videos out there have some interesting bits, but none of the reviews completely sold me on it.

Sure guys... €99 would get my vote, I'm sure Arturia could find a thousand ways to get around that rather awkwardly phrased "promise" they made (all it needed was a photo of Luca Brasi in the banner).

As far as people who have already bought it... that's life. I have many, MANY times seen stuff I have bought, on sale cheaper later on. Many people would pay double the price just to have it NOW... they are working on a project NOW that would benefit from those sounds or they are working on a top 40s track and want to get some fresh sounds in before everyone has "that" library.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 01:33:10 am by jasonserranobatista »


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #66 on: January 06, 2018, 05:07:16 am »
I generally agree with all of the points you made.  I am more excited about the CMI than the DX7--mainly because I already have the FM8--which has been around for a long while and seems to do more.  A side by side comparison of the two products would be helpful.

Totally agree on the Clav and Easel. 

Ultimately, the combination of new products just doesn't justify the upgrade price for me and I am a long-time customer and huge fan of Arturia products.  I hope Arturia is listening....


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #67 on: January 06, 2018, 01:17:24 pm »
Don't get too hung up on the price. €199 would have been completely fair, if the full price was €799! It isn't, however. What is of interest is is the percentage of the full price that Arturia demands for a one-step version upgrade. Arturia want 50% of the full price for an upgrade. This is what is unacceptable to its customers (who keeps the company alive). The "normal" industry price-range for a one-step version upgrade is between 20-30%.

What's even worse, after January 10th Arturia will want 100% of the full price for the upgrade. This is ridiculous and unheard of!


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #68 on: January 08, 2018, 07:21:37 pm »
I'll be glad when the "offer" finishes: I'm getting sick of being insulted every other day by their "offer" emails.


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #69 on: January 08, 2018, 08:25:47 pm »
I wrote to Arturia days ago because I pretend  VAT refund from purchases since Italy to France with a VAT number must not to be paid, but they claim not to do so (and is against the law) treating customers all as if they were private and not business (such as professionals in the sector). They tell me to buy at a store to get the VAT discount. They also make an upgrade to 50% of the cost, it seems to me a total suicide .... They will lower the crest, as long as no one buys and you will see that in a while come mail with much lower bids, the loss of many customers, something that can not be allowed .... without considering who will decide to have an illegal copy .... The French are too snooty ..... (sorry for my bad english)


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #70 on: January 08, 2018, 08:53:04 pm »
Ok,  here is my pledge to Arturia,  offer the V5 - V6 upgrade for 99 Euros (as that is what I have paid for all previous V-Collection upgrades) and I will buy it,  but at 199 Euros - it will never happen,

If enough people make the same pledge,  maybe Arturia will see what they are missing.

Same here!


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #71 on: January 08, 2018, 11:02:13 pm »
I'll be glad when the "offer" finishes: I'm getting sick of being insulted every other day by their "offer" emails.
They must have turned the heat off in those offices in Grenoble and froze their brains (what's left of them). I warn off everybody I run into about this 'upgrade' price - don't waste your money as it's best spent elsewheres. This now makes two developers I will no longer buy from until they come to their senses. IK and Arturia.
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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #72 on: January 08, 2018, 11:25:20 pm »
The previous upgrade of V4 to V5 was also €199 so allowing for inflation it must be a good price. I contacted Arturia and their reply was that this is as good a price  as it will be due to the cost, time and effort invested in development.  Can't say fairer than that! That leaves 4 options...take your pick. :)


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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #73 on: January 08, 2018, 11:28:26 pm »
The previous upgrade of V4 to V5 was also €199 so allowing for inflation it must be a good price. I contacted Arturia and their reply was that this is as good a price  as it will be due to the cost, time and effort invested in development.  Can't say fairer than that! That leaves 4 options...take your pick. :)
Actually that upgrade price dropped later in the year the upgrade came out. Audio Deluxe had it at $150US so it can and does happen. Arturia is blowing smoke up people's asses with this 'deal'. You want to play the fool and spend the money - that's up to you. There are those of us who've been around a lot longer and say enough is enough.
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Re: V6 Upgrade.
« Reply #74 on: January 08, 2018, 11:40:08 pm »
The previous upgrade of V4 to V5 was also €199 so allowing for inflation it must be a good price. I contacted Arturia and their reply was that this is as good a price  as it will be due to the cost, time and effort invested in development.  Can't say fairer than that! That leaves 4 options...take your pick. :)
Actually that upgrade price dropped later in the year the upgrade came out. Audio Deluxe had it at $150US so it can and does happen. Arturia is blowing smoke up people's asses with this 'deal'. You want to play the fool and spend the money - that's up to you. There are those of us who've been around a lot longer and say enough is enough.

True. I got it for $99 so well worth the wait.
BTW Jack I was being sarcastic regarding Arturias response.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 11:52:11 pm by maxdamage »


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