I just did the upgrade from 5 to 6. Didn't do a test drive yet, but will give it a go right after this post.
My first version of the V Collection was 3. So you can say Arturia made quite a buck on me.
But I can't afford a Buchla Easel, since it costs around or over € 5000,-.
Now I can experience this work of art virtually for the price of the upgrade to 6,
and get the Clavinet, the CMI, and the DX7 plus improvements on most of the synths/organs in V5 in the process for a couple of hundreds of euros.
Look, I'm not trying to argue about the price for the upgrade, it is steep for what you get if you're only interested in a couple of V synths.
You can still buy them separately, at a relatively higher cost, if you want only a couple of them. I bought the Buchla separately before realizing there was a V6, had some problem activating which they did resolve quickly, and still did the upgrade regardless, because the Easle is so versatile, and they even added more options to it than the hardware will allow.
I for one want to keep supporting them, and they listen to their user base. Sometimes quick solutions are not at hand for individual needs, and addressing each and every whim is a problematic for some users, but they seem to be on the right path to improve their stuff.
I long for MPE-support in the standalone version for my Roli Seaboard Rise, and would love to see a V Arturia Matrix (not a classic yet, but analog)
Will I demand it from them? No, I can only ask, but they do the stuff they think is achievable . But they do improve, because they depend on believers like me, perhaps.
And the more believers invest, the better they get at delivering good synths, not only in software, but also in hardware.
I'll probably get flaming for posting this. Flame what you will. I stand by my case.
They make wonderful stuff, and I appreciate their efforts to give me the chance to explore synths that would otherwise be unaffordable, or frankly, unobtainable.
Now if you don't mind, I got some noodling to do
