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Author Topic: 1.4 Update....  (Read 16824 times)


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1.4 Update....
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:28:05 pm »
Hey all,

Phillipe from Arturia just posted this info about 1.4 update on a tech related thread. Thought I'd repost it here:

"We're still working on the specifications. Last decisions are to postpone the software editor and instead to focus on other aspects:

1- an enhanced multi mode that will enable to define the actions of the controllers and macros on any slots of the multi and not only on the slot having the focus. You'll be able for instance to choose the sequences played by slots at the multi level, and also to select the slots for which the sequencer is active or not. An example of the usage could be to change the sequencer patterns on slot1 while modulating slots 2 and 3 with the joystick. All the settings will be saved within the multi and won't change programs presets.

2- an enhanced FX management in a multi. You'll be able to set and configure your effects at the multi level. The FX organisation will consist of 2 inserts per slots and 4 global FX with send and return settings. Here again settings will be saved within the multi and won't change programs presets.

3- Introduction of the "template lite" concept that has been discussed on this forum here:


4- A better preset management with Origin Connection including the possibility to overwrite any presets.

5- New modules: Envelope Follower, 5 points Envelope...

From the start of the actual development to the release, count 4 to 5 months. Currently we're working on a bug-fix release which should be available soon.

Of course all this is preliminary and subject to change...."

I for one, would love it if they could somehow get customisable GUI in the Template Lite feature...


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 07:36:54 am »
Multi will be very powerful if all is true.

"template lite" ?, I can't imagine how they implement this.

I think it will be a very good update with needed things, but i can imagine this:

1.4 update = 5 moths + common delay. =6 months. -->Octover 2011?
1.5 CS80 development time = 5 months  -->March 2012?
1.6 intermediate update = 5 months -->Agoust 2012?
1.7 Arp 2600 = 5 months  -->January 2013?
1.8 intermediate update = 5 moths -->June 2013?
1.9 Mg modular = 5 moths -->November 2013?
2.0 intermediate update = 5 moths -->April 2014?
2.1 Prophet 5 = 5 moths -->September 2014?
2.2 bugfix update = 5 moths -->Febrary 2015?
2.2 intermediate update for vst implementation = 5 moths -->July 2015?
2.5 VST Editor = 12 moths or more --> Janary 2017?
2.6 bugfix update = 5 moths -->June 2017?

In my oppinion is that the complete feature set will be ready in 2017, and more probably before this happens they leave the development so no we will never see any VST plugin, prophet, etc.. what do you think?


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2011, 12:39:49 am »
I think I hope not!  ;D

The Template Lite concept is very intriguing.  I'd love to see some news on this in a few weeks, such as... what the heck it will be.  I'm also hoping that the

5- New modules: Envelope Follower, 5 points Envelope...

means that other modules are being worked on as well.  Such as... say, Prophet 5 OSCs and Filters.  Or dare I dream, OBERHEIM OSCs and Filters!

And how about some "template" patches like I made?

Since this is in the discussion phase, it sounds like nothing is definite, but I hope that 1.4 has some nice surprises for us.
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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2011, 01:17:21 pm »
@ Jeruro:

Unfortunately I really think the same. They owe us a lot to hold their promises. And latest comments about developments and allocating ressources doesn't give me much hope.

I don't think, there will ever be a VST-Integration. This promis just disappeared from the official sources.

However, I would like to see more modules, and FX.


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2011, 11:54:08 am »
No, Phillipe says....

"Last decisions are to postpone the software editor and instead to focus on other aspects"

I'm guessing this is only for 1.4

The software editor will be good for marketing, so I imagine it will happen.

My personal feeling is that new modules and template developments would be much more useful though. I don't really ever find myself wishing I had a plug-in editor. I constantly wish I could make custom templates, or have more module options.

Thats just me, but yes, I agree that the updates are horribly slow in development.


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2011, 10:00:49 pm »
I for one am not that interested in VST plug in, I would however really welcome prophet VCO, filter and oberheim. That's what's unique about origin for me the ability to construct a synth that has not been created based on authenticity of core modules.


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2011, 12:14:49 pm »
I for one am not that interested in VST plug in, I would however really welcome prophet VCO, filter and oberheim. That's what's unique about origin for me the ability to construct a synth that has not been created based on authenticity of core modules.

I agree. I am actually not using a computer in the studio at all. However, my impression was that the Prophet modules where very close to the origins ones. Nevertheless, I am one of these people who did not enjoy the CEM filter too much, so I am fine with what is available. I doubt that slight nuances of filter changes will result in drastically new sounds neither.


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2011, 06:59:11 pm »
Weelllll........... yes, sort of.

Components built with discreet, high quality transistors, resistors and capacitors will tend to sound warmer and bigger than those made with circuit chips.  And the Origin modules do have a character reminiscent to those Curtis CEM-built Prophets, Oberheims and MemoryMgs.  I've created a bunch of template patches based on a number of vintage synths, available in the patch sharing section below this one, and I've noticed that the posts requesting Arturia's promised templates has died down considerably.  A number of them are based on those Curtis chip-built synths, and use the Origin modules exclusively.  And from high quality YouTube vid demos of the originals, my "templates" have come pretty close to these.

Having said that though, I really want to see Arturia make those Prophet and even Oberheim modules available to us because as a synthesist, I can never have enough toys to play with.  You should see my bedroom studio.  ;)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 07:01:22 pm by synthguy99 »
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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2011, 11:15:06 am »
Agreed. The more they lean the Origin towards a Reaktor-like direction the better.

With the Korg Oasys, and Jupiter 80 coming out, I think Origin and its slow updates is in danger of falling behind in a a race which it was leading.

A bunch of new modules (not even vintage replicas) and more emphasis on the ability to build your own templates and customise them would do this I think.


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2011, 12:49:33 pm »
IMO Origin has no competitor as a hardware synth with those Templates (MiniM and Jupiter) and with so many modules, so at least for those thinking about Roland's Jupiter80 I think Origin is a great option.

But: I can see that markets are giving us new options for making quite similar things; Korg (Kronos) has their own Korg emulations in it, it has presumably very powerful effects section, touchscreen etc. And you may get one (61keys) with around 2000euros (and not to mention that it has ALL the other things as well: Grand pianos, Epianos, Organs etc.).

And then there's all those things happening with machines like iPad; I can think that we are not far away from having chance to get many classic emulations to those tablet machines (which you can now integrate into Akai-controller for example).

So Origin has still its value and it's still quite far ahead to its competitors but it cannot stay like this without developing it . Otherways it looses this competion sooner or later. It needs more modules and graphic templates. To make Origin more attractive to market key is still those pre-made templates (and then modules too): I think quite many of us (myself included) bought this thing with a hope to get more than just MiniMg (at least we got JP8!) but also CS-80 and Prophet etc. IMO the fascinating thing is still to have a machine which gives you all these with close enough sound to originals, enough knobs to tweak and also nice graphical GUI. Of course chance to mix those modules gives another dimension which is not there with software emulations (at the moment). I hope Arturia is aware of this.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 12:57:25 pm by JacksonP »


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2011, 04:12:12 am »
Arturia, I hope you're taking note of the moods expressed in this thread.  I think I'm the lone voice of a man who's very satisfied with The O as it is.  Everyone else is kind of, "Yeah... but the Origin could really use (this or that new thing) to keep me really interested."

People are very visually oriented.  This is why us guys want our cars to resemble some exotic speed machine, and why the opposite sexes are drawn to the "hotties" of the other gender (some are drawn to hotties of the same gender, but that's another story).

So it's no surprise that most of us want some sort of visual goody to go with the instruments we're making, and I will admit that the rather bland panel with generic knobs in that display aren't all that fantastic looking.  The images of the MiniMg and Jupiter-8 are much more exciting, and give us a sense that we have a Mg or Jupiter of our own.  When it takes a small eternity for these new templates to get released, people feel let down and neglected, taken for granted or even taken advantage of as customers, and I know this is completely wrongheaded, but they feel like their instruments are increasingly smaller, older and less powerful.

And if you know anything about marketing and customer relations, every letter and post represents thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of similar minded people who bought or are thinking of buying your product.  So this thread reflects kind of a widely held grouchy mood among your customer base.

I know this makes your tough job tougher.  I know roughly what it takes to produce new toys and tools for this module.  You can't just scribble down a few dozen lines of assembler code.  It has to sound right, sound good.  Then it has to be made efficient, fit in well with the available environment of the Origin, communicate properly, work right, not crash, and still sound good.  And not take a year to come out.  ;)

Among whatever road maps your team are scribbling out right now, I really think that module wise, you need to see about adding in those Prophet V OSCs and Filters, or creating some new Origin modules, perhaps along the lines of Doepfer's fantastic hardware modules.  If you can manage to license Tom Oberheim's SEM, OB or Matrix synthesizers, hopefully all three, I still think it would be an incredible idea to bring them out on Origin first, before you offer an Oberheim V synth library.  If you can manage to create some sort of panel GUI for us to play with, that will satisfy a surprising number of people.

Template-wise, I think you should put priority to bringing out the CS-80 next.  From what I hear, this is regarded by most keyboard players as the greatest performance synth of all time.

You should also canvas your hardcore userbase, and those in the team since you guys have lived with Origin the longest, to see what changes and improvements would be good to include in updates 1.4 and 1.5.  I have a few.

On the Mg oscillator, add hard sync, and full pulse width and mod control.

On the ARP OSC, add hard sync.

On the Origin OSC, add soft sync.

On the Mg and Origin Filters - or perhaps all filters - add an 18db 3 Pole response.

On the hardware module control knobs, enable each module to have a switch that would have the module directly linked to the front panel controls.  For instance, on the Envelope modules, add a setting to link them to the hardware envelope knobs.  It would be nice to program patches that would always respond to the knobs for filter control, Output ENV control, or both.  Or all envelopes.  Likewise, on the OSC modules, a switch that would link selected modules to the OSC knobs on the Origin panel.  Filters to the filter controls.

Make it so the eight soft knobs can have multiple parameters assigned to one knob.  This would be less essential if the console controls could be linked to the selected modules.

Well, that's not a bad wishlist for now.  ;)  I'm hopeful that some of these can find their way into the Origin at some point.

Well... one more.  At some point, I'd love to see an Origin II keyboard, with double the power or more of the Origin, a nicely endowed control panel, and at least a five octave velocity and poly-pressure keyboard.  That would be an incredible answer to the Solaris.  Although I would love to have a Solaris...   ;)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 04:16:47 am by synthguy99 »
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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2011, 08:17:26 am »
I am also satisfied with my Origin but still I feel that a module which costs over 2000 euros should be little more than what it is at the moment. Key thing is to make people feel that this thing is evolving. Nice thing is to have at least new soundbanks once in a while.

At the moment I am using Clavia's products and Origin as my hardware rig. Before that I had some Rolands and Korgs. One of the best thing with Clavia is that they really give this feeling of taking care of old customers. Of course their toys are quite expensive but after that everything is freely downloadable (updates, editor softwares and sounds). And on the other hand this was my reason to finaly give up with Roland: they do practically nothing with their older products. They are too busy to develop new ("We design the Future" is their motto). Take V-piano for example. This quite revolutionary product came out around 2008 and what has happened: nothing special. It's like Origin, it has a very powerful engine inside which I think could run many different things, different emulations like E-pianos for example. But Roland has not developed it. Only thing they did was to give a new package to it (V-piano grand which is not for normal people....).

Besides those templates and modules I would like to have software editor. I can still imagine that editing with big monitor screen and with mouse would be effective and fast. My other reason is very practical. At my home my Origin is placed in a way that is not that easy to edit by hand.

And about visual orientation: It would be just enjoyable to see these templates in bigger screen. Arturia does not have to start from the zero. They already have MiniMg V and JP8 GUIs for their software emulations.  ;)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 08:23:12 am by JacksonP »


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2011, 06:50:34 pm »
The Origin badly needs the software editor that was originally promised by Arturia. I find the Origin's screen fine for performance but too cramped and fiddly for advanced programming.


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2011, 07:10:42 pm »
I want the software/plug-in editor too! Even without audio support, full midi support should be ok, so that everything you do in a sequence involving origin is being save with the whole project! That's very important for me! A midi plug in version should be so difficult to do now


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Re: 1.4 Update....
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2011, 08:31:42 pm »
I'd like to know how they come up with their list of priorities and features for a new update. All of the features listed in that update with the exception of the Template Lite aren't anything I ever recall seeing users here asking for.

What I have seen users asking for are new templates, new modules, VST editors. Or like this feature which we have been asking for ages now:

"Make it so the eight soft knobs can have multiple parameters assigned to one knob.  This would be less essential if the console controls could be linked to the selected modules."

Once again this company shows it's inability to listen to it's customers, set priorities correctly, make best use of it's development resources, and really make this product shine, yet they wonder why it's not selling. And then they decide to release a drum machine product before really maturing the Origin platform. Does the industry or market really need another drum box? What, to compete against NI Maschine? yet another bad move in opinion...


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