To think more then 2 years later, and still no more light shed on the matter?! Its safe to say that Arturia DO NOT have a fix for this problem.
I bought a Micro this week, and after fiddling with it was rather impressed.
Until i decided to link it up with my DAW That is.
Same problem as everyone else.........Sequencer and LFO not syncing properly to Logic 9's Midi Clock. Tried every combination with no luck.
Trying to record the micro's audio whilst affecting it on the fly is near on impossible. One of the reasons i picked this.
Was originally going to buy the Arturia Hybrid Synth but read some rather dodgy posts on it being a bugger to work on a lot of systems. Typical i pick an Arturia product still, and have issues! FGS!!!
Its a shame to see they have blatently ignored all these people's pleas for an answer!

I quite honestly cant believe the cheek of it. Once these companies have your pennies they couldnt give a toss about the products stability. Absolute bandits! Iv met pirates with more respect.
I guess they have the view that people will still buy there future products.
Luckily, I still have the choice of a refund (which a lot of your poor folks dont) so will be taking this back, and changing it for a minitaur or something similar.
And i will be signing the petition. suck