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Author Topic: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)  (Read 73827 times)


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Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« on: January 22, 2014, 11:38:37 pm »
I'm desperately trying to sync the MicroBrute sequencer to the external MIDI clock, but while the BPM is clearly received and applied, any sequence is always played offbeat (no matter what resolution is selected).
Obviously I need to play bass and lead parts exactely in sync, and current result is very much annoying...  >:(
Is this an already known bug?
I don't know if this could be related to this other topic/bug: http://www.arturia.com/evolution/smf/index.php?topic=14850.0
Any suggestion?


EDIT: I've tried also to attach a screenshot of the waveform of a recording I did with two different synth hard panned L/R, showing the off-phase of the MB compared to the other (which is perfectly on time with MIDI clock)... But attachments seem to be not permitted here, so I guess I have to upload the pic somewhere and link it...
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 11:42:25 pm by FiltroAnalogico »


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2014, 08:21:53 am »
This has happened to me too when syncing the sequenceer to Reaper. The odd thing is that it syncs perfectly as long as Reaper is in play mode, but as soon as I activate recording, the Microbrute sequencer lags behind Reaper by an eighth note or so if I remember correctly.

It doesn't bother me much because I usually sequence my hardware synths in the DAW instead of using built-in sequencers, but for someone depending on syncing the Microbrute to external equipment this could be a serious problem.


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2014, 09:48:02 am »
Well, considering that I've bought the MB almost exclusively to have a live gear with arp/seq capability, and that I'm part of a setup where everyone is synched to a Master Clock... yes, this is definitely a serious problem.

Hopefully Bruno will give me/us good news about a forthcoming firmware update...


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2014, 03:44:35 pm »
Hi Arturia guys,

to complete the scenario described in my first post – and comparing the sync problem I've experienced to the behavior shown in this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK-ivNhbc-4, which seem to work nicely – I was trying to have MB internal sequencer in sync with external MIDI clock while in “Play – hold” mode from Connection software.
Thus the seq start wasn’t triggered from the keyboard, but using the “Play – mode” switch set on “Play”, resulting in no chance to match the clock phase. I can assume that this switch has a sort of delay...

I hope this helps.

ben arturia

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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2014, 11:53:29 am »
Try to put the clock on Auto, not on Ext.
Is it better for you with clock on Auto ?


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2014, 02:53:32 pm »
Hi Ben,
actually my case refers to clock on 'Auto'...  :(
Now... should I try the other way around, with 'Ext.' ?


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2014, 10:21:37 pm »
My MB seq behaves like that, too. It lags behind external midi clock for a quarter (or eighth, i don't remember). My workaround is using a midi modded monotribe as proxy and hooking its sync-out to MB gate-in. Works perfectly, but I'd really rather have a pure midi solution. Although I must say I didn't try all the options (clock: ext, different triggering,...).
« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 06:36:06 pm by primvla »


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2014, 06:37:47 pm »
Well, I see now, midi clock means just that, a tempo. There are no other messages sent, no sync trigger, advance step or gate like with step sequencer. My bad. Midi clock values come through to MB right, but the time the sequence starts (offset) obviously depends on the moment when you turn on the device.

Is there an option to retrigger the sequencer that is in midi clock mode like it is triggered in internal clock mode? My seq trigger is set to Legato but although it behaves as expected under internal clock, it doesn't retrigger right (the offset) when MB receives clock from midi. My request is to retrigger midi synced sequencer with a keyboard (maybe also with midi "note on" message). If it's possible. Please. It would help a ton for my setup.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 09:58:35 pm by primvla »


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2014, 09:07:54 pm »
I am having this exact same problem.

Midi out of Mac/Logic to microbrute ...

logic will control MB just fine until I turn on the sequencer. The tempo seems correct, and the rate knob seems to provide correct tempo divisions, but the overall sync is off. The sequencer pattern starts a half beat or so late. Starting a bar or two earlier sometimes helps a bit but not really.

This only happens when Logic's sequencer is running (ie. when microbrute is receiving midi-clock.) which leads me to think it's a problem with the microbrute's sequencer somehow not synchronizing incoming midi-clock and incoming midi notes.

This is absolutely a microbrute issue...all my other synth's sequencers and arpeggiators sync just fine, does the minibrute have this same issue?

I've tried every combination of settings. it just doesn't work. And it should.

ARTURIA YOU MUST FIX THIS! This is clearly a problem. the whole point of having a synth/sequencer with midi-in and external sync (or auto) is to sync it to a master clock.

Why has there been no official comment on this in a week??


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2014, 04:46:55 am »
To Arturias defense, the micro is still a very young product. No doubt there are a ton of bugs to work out in it still.


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2014, 11:03:36 am »
To Arturias defense, the micro is still a very young product. No doubt there are a ton of bugs to work out in it still.

Wacopacco, “defence” implies an ‘attack’, but I don’t think we’re here to ‘attack’ Arturia.
I believe we’re all posting to share, discuss and point out bugs (some of which, of course, are much more annoying than others), to get them solved as soon as possible.

Personally, I really appreciate the level of availability/presence and interaction of Arturia staff in this forum (and I could somehow prefer a scenario where we have more bugs but also the Company committed to solve them, to a scenario with less bugs and the Company not caring…).

That said, generally speaking, I’m not inclined to accept “tons of bugs” just because a product – of whatever nature – is “young”.
IMHO, of course. :)


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2014, 01:09:55 am »
still waiting for the presence and interaction...


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2014, 11:33:36 pm »
To Arturias defense, the micro is still a very young product. No doubt there are a ton of bugs to work out in it still.

Wacopacco, “defence” implies an ‘attack’, but I don’t think we’re here to ‘attack’ Arturia.
I believe we’re all posting to share, discuss and point out bugs (some of which, of course, are much more annoying than others), to get them solved as soon as possible.

Personally, I really appreciate the level of availability/presence and interaction of Arturia staff in this forum (and I could somehow prefer a scenario where we have more bugs but also the Company committed to solve them, to a scenario with less bugs and the Company not caring…).

That said, generally speaking, I’m not inclined to accept “tons of bugs” just because a product – of whatever nature – is “young”.
IMHO, of course. :)
you read wayyyyyyyy too much into what I said but we agree.


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2014, 09:53:05 am »
bump (i think it's important)

... or at least make a firmware update that retriggers midi clocked sequencer with TAP key (has no obvious function under external clock). ATM I can't find no other option to midi sync MB seq other than try to catch it with turning on the power button at the exact right moment.

Or make the firmware format and all software accessible functionalities public and documented, some people may have time, motivation and knowledge to make custom firmwares for this great little machine (which would only benefit its market presence btw).

« Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 10:01:26 am by primvla »


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Re: Sequencer sync problem (BUG?)
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2014, 07:34:52 pm »
I can confirm the sync issue, and i like to add another bug, which is kinda related.
I never use the sync to host function because of this. It would be OK for me, cause i can easily tap the tempo manually, BUT
it's buggy even that way.

A would be happy if someone could replicate and confirm this, cause its driving me mad.

Make the simplest sequence in MB, and just a repeated 16th note in your  DAW, like on my picture. Set the MB to 'PLAY'  Now, if you set the sequencer to the slowest speed, you can very easily hear how it totally messes up the timing. Naturally the MicroBrute is set to retrig the SEQ on each note, so it should start each note totally in time.

But you can see how it lags lika crazy in this picture:

On the left side, SEQ is off, on the right side it's set to PLAY.
This gets a little better if you match the tempo, but its still there, and it still misses and hits:

In this way the sequencer is totally useless for recording, and not in just SYNCED to host mode, but in any mode.   :'(
Is this just me, or you can repeat it?



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