I can confirm the sync issue, and i like to add another bug, which is kinda related.
I never use the sync to host function because of this. It would be OK for me, cause i can easily tap the tempo manually, BUT
it's buggy even that way.
A would be happy if someone could replicate and confirm this, cause its driving me mad.
Make the simplest sequence in MB, and just a repeated 16th note in your DAW, like on my picture. Set the MB to 'PLAY' Now, if you set the sequencer to the slowest speed, you can very easily hear how it totally messes up the timing. Naturally the MicroBrute is set to retrig the SEQ on each note, so it should start each note totally in time.
But you can see how it lags lika crazy in this picture:
http://prntscr.com/2vh3yfOn the left side, SEQ is off, on the right side it's set to PLAY.
This gets a little better if you match the tempo, but its still there, and it still misses and hits:
http://prntscr.com/2vhqp8In this way the sequencer is totally useless for recording, and not in just SYNCED to host mode, but in any mode.

Is this just me, or you can repeat it?