Having found a few wee gremlins myself, I thought I'd check this out, latest firmware, and the sequencer syncs well, I slaved it to an Elektron box. Perfect, if you are sloppy with your timing the sequence could be triggered late, but as far I can see the sequencer is fine. Is this not just predictable computer related and user gremlins !?
Why would it matter if the operator is sloppy with the timing?
If I sync a couple of Monotribe, KP3, pair of Volca, Juno-Di and a MicroKorg all together with almost any drum machine added to the end, there's no way that someone can go "off-beat" with any of the units unless they deliberately trying to do so.
It's not "oh crap I messed the timing", it's more like correct clock overlaps and makes is go off the beat while you're still being almost dead on with the input.
There's no half-synchronized or partially synchronized synchronization out there. If it's in sync, it is in sync, hence the term in-sync.
What's the purpose of having a step sequencer that can be synced to a master clock but also needs a manual dexterity to operate it so it can be in sync? That sentence even doesn't make any sense and that is the situation here..
Oh, and I don't understand what did you mean by "Is this not just predictable computer related and user gremlins !?" brother. 
What, exactly, do you guys think is wrong, I'm not even sure what bruno has supposedly acknowledged as a bug ? ! ?
From my tests, the mb holds sync rate perfectly, you just have to hit the key at the right time, if you are late, the sequencer will be late. Easy !
If your sequencer sends the correct stop and start messages (IN THE CORRECT MANNER), then the micro will play ball, perfectly.
So, testing with Elektron and Roland boxes, the microbrute starts properly after it has received a MIDI stop message when you then send a properly scheduled Start message (when you hit play)
After that point, if you manually restart the sequencer using the keys, it'll be okay if your timing is good or early/late if you are
Are you asking arturia to implement coarser quantisation on the seq retrigger key input so it accounts for a running count of the 24ppqn clock since the start ?!? Otherwise there's nothing in the spec that i can see it is not obeying properly.
My gripe is that the phase of the sequence is not corrected when the synced rate is adjusted, i.e. even if you start perfectly in sync (on the 1s) and you then double or half the temp, the 1s will go adrift, this should be accounted for either with extra notes/blanks to ensure that the adjusted rate 1 also happens on the 1 prior to changing the synced rate.
Can someone point to a video showing their problem because i just don't get it with the rock-solid gear i'm using, even though i'm also able to *manually* trigger late/early etc
Sounds like an expectation issue although the seq retriggering could probably be more forgiving
It's odd that there's a lot of hot and bothered voices on this thread but hardly any on the clearly wrong LFO phase issues, or even the fact that the sequencer plays seq 1 irrespective of the knob position at boot up, or indeed the horrible glitching of mod wheel lfo amount whilst synced, these are clearly 'bugs' !