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Author Topic: Tuning Problem on Microbrute  (Read 43610 times)


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2014, 05:00:49 pm »
the main audio oscillator on my microbrute is in need of scaling calibration.  it is not consistently in tune throughout its range.  i wrote to arturia tech support about this within weeks of receiving it (maybe a year ago) and never heard back.

can someone please provide to me the calibration routine for the audio oscillator so i can use this for serious work?  i love the synth, but really tire of re-tuning it.

thank you so much


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2014, 06:20:58 pm »
I need Technote_6


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2014, 03:36:36 pm »
Weel I hope this won t be a problem at Arturia.I love this synth but the tutning it s a real pain in the ass.I know when I bought it that analog oscillator are hard to get and stay in tune but this one....it's a lottery to tune and get it in tune.Real fun to play and experiment...but if u need to follow ur band with this little devil....good luck m8s.
Here's the technote-6 to try and tune the arturia mictobrute.Several user ask about this.So I hope no one will blame me posting it.Thanks for Ur help Arturia but....tuning the Microbrute seem just a dream atm.U should post a video with a complete walktroughUsers deserve this.Otherwise I guess U all Know very well at Arturia about the tuning problem.Hence there's no solution maybe i Guess

Keep in mind about the slope and offsett hole on ur microbrute.The OFFSET it's the first hole on the left of the FINETUNE knob.The Slope it's the second hole.

Technical note 06
Version 1.0
Date 22 January 2014
Oscillator Calibration
Page 1/1
Document revisions:
1.0 2014/01/22 Initial document.
This note details the calibration procedure of the MicroBrute oscillator.
This procedure shall be followed if and only if all of the following conditions fulfills!
· The note tracking is not accurate, i.e. the note played is shifted more than 5 cents when compared to a
reference note.
If and only if your machine fits into the above description, please apply the following method to fix it.
Make sure to fully read and understand the directives contained in the hereunder pages before processing.
Arturia shall not be responsible for any damage or problem caused by misuse of this procedure.
Equipment needed
· Digital tuner (hardware or software)
· 2mm flat screwdriver
Offset Slope
Technical note 06
Version 1.0
Date 22 January 2014
Oscillator Calibration
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1. Warming up
Plug the power supply unit and switch the MicroBrute on.
The oscillator core being fully analog, requires a minimal warming time of 10 minutes before reliable frequency
stabilization occurs.
Do not proceed to measures or settings before the frequency is totally stable!
2. Reference note
Set the machine in the following configuration:
Press the Octave buttons until reaching the center position: green LED is lit.
Make sure the Fine Tune knob(on the back panel) is at center position.
Press the lowest key on the left of the keyboard, and hold it down.
The frequency should be a perfect C1 at 130.80 Hz (0 cent).
If it is not the case, turn the Slope trimmer to reach this value.
Release the C1 key.
Technical note 06
Version 1.0
Date 22 January 2014
Oscillator Calibration
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3. Calibration
Press the upper most key on the right of the keyboard and hold it down.
Turn the Offset trimmer to reach C3 at 523.30 Hz (+/- 5 cents).
Once the correct value has been reached, release the key.
Press the lowest key on the left of the keyboard and hold it down.
Turn the Slope trimmer to reach C1 at 130.80 Hz (+/- 5 cents).
Once the correct value has been reached, release the key.
This is an iterative process: redo the 2 above steps until you don't need to modify the trimmers anymore!
As with the major modules of the MicroBrute, the note tracking is pure analog, therefore:
 Full “0-cent accuracy” can not be achieved: +/- 5 cents tolerance generally is OK.
 Expect some drift at the extremes (up to +/- 20 cents): C-3 will *not* be accurate, neither will be C5.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 03:42:40 pm by LoItaliano78 »


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2014, 05:02:58 pm »
Thanks for the technote06, I asked it to the support two weeks ago but they didn't answer. It seems I can't tune my microbrute :\ if I touch the offset with the screwdriver or if I push it the tune changes.. Will it help if I remove the screw and start from zero?
Another thing is that it didn't reach the stability also after an hour..
Last problem (yes, I've got lots of problems apart from my bad english): the last key (upper C) doesn't produce sound, I've tried pulling out the strip and reinsert it but it didn't sound..maybe a dirty contact?
Thanks for the patience!
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 09:36:31 pm by Envell »


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2014, 01:19:30 am »
Any luck anyone??

I tried to open a support ticket.. But nothing happened when I pressed submit... Curious as to if it did anything at all.

Anyways, same problems here, think wont even get in to tune properly, flutters wildly... So cool though, wish it was more practical. Tried tech note 06 several times, updated firmware, nothing helped.

Anyone have a miracle??


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2015, 02:05:04 pm »
repost of VCO calibration technote if needed.
you'll need to be logged in to see it.
Arturia Hardware


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2015, 07:05:15 pm »
thanks for the repost, I've also had the microbrute for a couple of months now (bought it new) and quite some tuning problems


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2016, 12:31:19 pm »
I need to do this procedure as my tuning is more than 15 cents out at +/= 2 octaves.

How do I find the fine tuning center position? There is no marking on my unit. I can guess, but I'll be out....


No worries. It's not that important. Now have tuned to a tolerance of +/- 3 cents across full range. Sweet.
Kinda fiddly, but not difficult.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 12:51:26 pm by JiggyWig »


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2020, 04:16:28 am »
What is "Technnote #6?" I am having exactly this same issue. Microbrute is going wildly in and out of tune. Definitely sounds "sick."


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