(Reposted in here, I had posted it in the V76 forum by accident. This has to do with the 1973-Pre)
When I saw the announcement email for pre-amp plugins, I nearly passed it by. Whoever in marketing decided to run the promo alongside filters really made the click-through inevitable.
Everybody loves filters, because everybody can hear a filter's immediate effect easily. In most cases you literally can't miss it. Pre-amps though, I have never personally had any use for because frankly I felt like the effect was sometimes so subtle that it would be missed anyway after a few other devices in a chain.
Well, I don't really care if the actual sound overlay is legitimately that of the original board. After a few days of using it and A/B testing with careful listening, it is becoming more apparent that not only is the device immediately musically useful but that the presets are, insofar as I can tell, APTLY NAMED. Both external and software sound sources all take on a variety of very musically pleasant timbre changes. (For example, the already very alive Sub37 came to life in a different way.)
Good stuff.
Low CPU: when I drop it on every channel it does eventually add up it is noticeable, but not performance-significant, on my 2015 MBP)
Presets: Aggressive Bass, Analogue Air, Sweet Touch, and Warm Things Up are literally go-tos now.
So anyway, I have also been enjoying all three filters, of the pre's this is the one that has stood out for me so far -- and because I'm surprised a pre-amp is standing out at all, I wanted to write this out.
All this to say, it's worth a demo at the least.
No, I don't work for Arturia. I bought the plugin and type fast