Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.
How should this be possible?
As far as i know, then plugins usually does'nt send that kind of data to a DAW - and especially not automaticly.
They perhaps can recieve some data from a plug-in, if you have set tracks to recieve data from a plugin somehow - perhaps instead of recieving data from a controller. I don't think any of Arturias synths can send this kind of data at all.
I don't know about the possibilities in Ableton, as i don't use it.
But how should a specific Arturia VC plugin draw automation lines in your DAW and such?
- Are you only having this issue with V-Collection? All VC applications?
- Have you tested if your controller send out those data? If it's only happens on a selected track, then that might be the issue. I suggest you test your controller. You could just unconnect it, and see if the issue persist.
- Is anything else set to control the automation inside your DAW, or to allways send MIDI to a plugin on a track?
Keep in mind, that inside a plug-in there might be some modulation going on, but that should not changes anything in your DAWs automation lines, even if it off corse will be audioble, as it might create conflict, if you have set automation to a parameter that's also modulated inside the plugin it self.
Hope this helps. If not, then images and other media is usually a help to understand an issue. Also a very concrete example to reproduce your issue can help.
Perhaps this also could be about using your DAW. So have you looked and/ or asked in Ableton forum?
And informations about your computer specs and your music software and so on can help.
I have tried to answer according to the way, i understand you.