I know this is probably waaay out of the question...but wouldn't it be great if there were 32 mod envelopes i.e. one env per note.
I think there is only one, and it's shared across all the notes. so for example, using a mod envelope to affect cutoff, the env gets triggered a each time another note is held and all held notes get re-affected. it's like one paraphonic type envelope across all the notes.
E.g. you put a slow attack on the filter cutoff controlled by a mod envelope, play a chord, then play another note. The chord again gets the filter sweep, rather than just the new note.
I know i'm trying to make it do stuff it's not meant to, but if making individual mod envs - one per note - is feasible, that would be a very powerful addition.
Many thanks. I bought the DX7v now and am really really enjoying it.
Cheers Jeff