Hello everyone.
In case you are facing jumps with your encoders when moving them slowly, I have a beta firmware that you can try.
This firmware is greatly improving the response of the encoders upon slow rotation. You can find it enclosed.
/!\ This is a beta firmware and not an official release /!\
Finally some movement, after years of waiting!
After testing this firmware for a bit, the improvement for slow movements is noticeable, but still far too jumpy to be considered accurate.
I often still get jumps in the opposite direction of movement, which is a big no-go for my use.
Unfortunately the bigger issue with this firmware is now fast movement, which has become wildly unpredictable and unreliable. It either moves too much or too little, but often it doesn't register at all.
It seems to me now that this really is a hardware issue, and that no amount of firmware tinkering will make the encoders usable.
Frankly it seems baffling that almost none of the reviews mention the awful encoder situation, and even more baffling that such a critical fault was not resolved in product development.
I would almost go as far as to say that Arturia shipped a defective product.
It's very unfortunate to see what is otherwise such a great small keyboard ruined by borderline useless knobs (and to a lesser extent those ill-advised flashing octave buttons).
I'll wait on the official firmware release, but it's honestly hard to believe we're going to see a real solution.