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Author Topic: Jumpy Knobs  (Read 33626 times)


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Jumpy Knobs
« on: December 24, 2016, 10:31:29 pm »
Merry Christamas, Arturia!
One problem on the minilab that's causing great frustration:
I mostly use the minilab mkII to control a Mini V3.
Using the mouse, the knobs for cutoff, emphasis, etc work perfectly
BUT using the minilab knobs, they are jumpy and not smooth, sometimes even jumping slightly back!
Tried the slow medium and fast settings in the midi control center, but theyre all jumpy.
Any ideas?


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2016, 02:05:22 pm »
Hi Djsportsball, merry christmas to you too! :)

Strange you are encountering this issue. Anyway, sorry about that.
Could you please be more precise about your setup? I assume you are using minilab mkII last firmware (, and last mini V3 version (, but in your post i don't know on which OS you are working ( windows or mac?) and if you run the mini V3 in standalone mode or inside a DAW .

For your information, our VC5 synths have a default mapping to fit with our controllers. Did you create a custom mapping before using your brand new minilab mkII?

Another clue, it could be good to reset the mini v3 midi settings, and do a factory reset of the minilab mkII ( hold oct + and oct - before powering it up). Minilab mkII default acceleration is set to "fast".

Thanks in advance for your answer, i hope these explanations help you a bit in the meantime



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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2016, 03:02:44 pm »
I work on a mac. The knob issues occur both in standalone and inside garage band. I'll try those fixes today and see if it works!


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2017, 11:31:57 am »
Hi, I've a similar problem :'(

I use Minilab MK II with Win10 and DAW Live 9 Lite or Reaper. Using knobs to control VST paramenters, I get very bad results as: 1) I rotate the knob and the parameter change appears after 4-5sec and many rotations; 2) I rotate slowly and the parameter changes in spurts; 3) I stop rotating and the parameter continues to change.

I get the same bad behaviour with various VSTs and DAW (Live 9 Lite, Reaper..). I updated the firmware yesterday and tried all the "knob accelerations" settings, but no solve.

Pls help, like this minilab is unusable!!

Thanks, bye


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2017, 07:37:46 pm »
I have the same problem with the second MiniLab MKII already.
Here's a video that show the behavior of knob #2 in Moog Model 15 running on an iPad Pro.
You can see the values jumping back and forth. In a MIDI monitor i can see that values come in packs of 3-6 messages and some times run backwards up to 7 units.



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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2017, 07:15:02 am »
I am having the same issue as in the last post. I am using MiniLab mk2 and BitWig 1.3

must be doing something wrong since right now the knob controls are not usable at all. This is way too far from something that I could use to live record CC curves for example...


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2018, 12:39:56 pm »
Has anybody found a solution to this issue ?


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2018, 07:33:00 am »
I got the impression that it only appears when I *slowly* twist the knobs.
Faster movements seem to be ok.
In all reviews and videos you see people only quickly touch the knobs. Noboby ever does a slow filter sweep.

I sent my MiniLab back.


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2018, 01:17:11 pm »
Could someone from Arturia please try it out how do the DAW controls and 3rd party plugins react (assuming that Minilab is switched to appropriate mode with Shift key) when rotating knobs really slow, as in blue_heron's video?

Curious, if it's a firmware (maybe signal debouncing is required for the encoders?) or hardware issue. I'm about to buy a Minilab MKII myself because it seems to have the best keys and features for the price, but these knob issues are scaring me off. I  would buy it if I knew that it's a firmware issue and will be fixed soon by a firmware or control center update.

But if it's a hardware issue, then I might want to wait for MK 3 (hopefully, there will be one with knob fixes?)  ;D

BTW, it seems that some other manufacturer products also suffer from the same issue: Google search led me to a forum thread about DSI Prophet Rev 2 where one person has a video how encoders produce jumpy values when turning them slowly, although they work fine when turning them fast. So yeah, something's not right here. Does it mean that really all encoders suffer from this and no manufacturer has invented a way to make encoders work correctly, no matter if used fast or slow? Then these kinds of encoders are completely inappropriate for use in MIDI controllers.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 02:55:24 pm by midix »


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2018, 10:16:28 pm »
Hello Arturia,
Please can you help - I have only owned the Minilab Mkll for a few weeks and have 2 issues...

 Knob 2 isn't working in Logic with Analogue Lab. It should control the filter with a smooth sweep but it only jumps?

No 'note off' on F - second F note on the keyboard. Just stays on every time.

Have reset the Minilab and restarted Logic. Tried another project that worked fine a few days ago but now it doing the same in the older project too!!!

Not very happy, it's brand new!

Any suggestions?


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2018, 12:18:04 am »
Happens with Buchla Easel as well - guessing it's a bug in Logic?


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2018, 06:46:56 pm »
You could try with Reaper or with other computer to see if it's the problem with the keyboard or just with the software or computer.

Still waiting for official Arturia's response about jumpy knobs for slow turns - is it a known issue and is a fix available or planned?


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2018, 02:39:47 am »
I am also having issues with unreliable knob functionality of the Minilab MarkII connected to a Lenovo ThinkPad running Windows 10 with Presonus' Studio One Professional and a guitar BOSS ME80.

I have updated firmware on a second unit (I took the first one back thinking it might have been faulty as it had the same problem). The knob range on knob 1 is fine to start and then it collapses to a range between 49.17 and 52.71. Other knobs also have similar problems. I am unable to find out why, I have not made any adjustments.

Is there another resource I can use that might give some resolution?


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2018, 08:23:05 pm »
Hello Arturia,

two weeks ago i bought a Minilab Mk2. With horror i had to realize that this problem of inconsistent midivalues is still not fixed.  :(
In Depth I tested turning a knob only from left to right without exception in slow speed.
In this regard i created a simple graph (as attachement) showing values send from the controller to ReceiveMIDI (https://github.com/gbevin/ReceiveMIDI). So no DAW or whatever is involved which would maybe manipulate the received values. You can notice a lot of jumps "back" in the incorrect direction (ideally it would be a straight line). So this problem ruins smooth values in EVERY! software! The problem also exists throughout all knob acceleration settings and with all Hardware Knobs.
If its an unfixable hardware problem like unfiltered bounces of the internal contacts of the encoder i would be very happy if some employee of Arturia would clarify this issue.
Otherwise it would be appropriate to roll out a new firmware for the device. I think a lot of users would appreciate this independently from the fact if they noticed the problem already or not.

Yours sincerely


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Re: Jumpy Knobs
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2018, 10:27:53 pm »
Hello everybody,
I bought the minilab mk2 two days ago and after some live session I noticed the same problem mentioned here. Encoders jumping back and forth when I move them slowly. No matter what encoder I use, it's the same. I've tried tweaking every parameter in MIDI CONTROL but nothing solve this problem.
For information, I use ableton live 9.7, Win 10 and the latest firmware for the minilab.

I hope this get fixed (but i'm pretty sure it won't, seeing the post date of the first message is 2016) or I will send it back from where I bought it.
So sad because the overall feeling of this midi controller is great, but this encoder issue is not acceptable, even for this price tag...

I would be curious to know if other users are experiencing this issue.


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