Hi Djsportsball, merry christmas to you too!

Strange you are encountering this issue. Anyway, sorry about that.
Could you please be more precise about your setup? I assume you are using minilab mkII last firmware (, and last mini V3 version (, but in your post i don't know on which OS you are working ( windows or mac?) and if you run the mini V3 in standalone mode or inside a DAW .
For your information, our VC5 synths have a default mapping to fit with our controllers. Did you create a custom mapping before using your brand new minilab mkII?
Another clue, it could be good to reset the mini v3 midi settings, and do a factory reset of the minilab mkII ( hold oct + and oct - before powering it up). Minilab mkII default acceleration is set to "fast".
Thanks in advance for your answer, i hope these explanations help you a bit in the meantime