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Author Topic: Bug Report: Sine wave generator has crackling Amplitude Modulation  (Read 3277 times)


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Bug Report: Sine wave generator has crackling Amplitude Modulation
« on: September 19, 2016, 12:42:59 am »
I plug a sine wave oscillator into a Mixer input (-40 db) and then plug the mixer output directly into the VCA (Sustain at full, ADR set to 0, vol = -8db) and then I connect modwheel output into the amplitude modulation input on the mixer channel and set it to .85. As I move the modulation wheel quickly I can hear a lot of crackling in the audio.

This appears to be an issue unique to the sine wave generators because if I plug in a triangle, sawtooth, or pulsewave modulation, I don't hear that static.

Arturia! Please fix this so that we can create beautiful swells and other amplitude modulation with all of the oscillators.


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Re: Bug Report: Sine wave generator has crackling Amplitude Modulation
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2016, 10:45:03 am »
HI i tried to replicate your problem and i didn't hear a crackle but i did i hear a wail of a digital distortion. I have found this with most modulation inputs they "overload" anywhere above 0.65. I tried this with your setup and got no wail or crackle.


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Re: Bug Report: Sine wave generator has crackling Amplitude Modulation
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2016, 02:20:49 pm »
I get more or less crackling and other artifacts on all waveforms. Most on Sine, Full PW Tri, and Square.
I also get the crackling and other artifacts just moving the mixer volume. At a certain speed and position i hear it the most, but i guess it's there all the time -  more or less audioble.
To me it sound like the transitions between values aren't smooth enough. And becasue of some artifacts i find wierd like "Roomy" sound on the sine, then perhaps there are a crossover, a leak  leak or something like that somewhere.

Modular V in generel could imho use adjustments in areas like this too.
I for instance find it odd you apparant turn the volume off so it don't react on modulation when it's at -100 db. The modulation should turn it up anyway.

And yes - very often the modulation inputs can be hard to manage.

Chris Meyer

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Re: Bug Report: Sine wave generator has crackling Amplitude Modulation
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2016, 10:29:15 pm »
I for instance find it odd you apparant turn the volume off so it don't react on modulation when it's at -100 db. The modulation should turn it up anyway.

I agree this was a very non-intuitive workaround (that I could not find in the manual - thank you for the hint in your post). The exp VCAs are very touchy when you try to use them in this way (AM input; Level knob just above -100dB), and the lin VCAs still don't seem to work. Processing signals though VCAs is a very common technique - especially for FM (which also seems wonky in Modular V) - and it shouldn't be this hard to use that feature.


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Re: Bug Report: Sine wave generator has crackling Amplitude Modulation
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2016, 12:57:00 am »
"with great power there must also come great responsibility!" (Spiderman, circa 1962)
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Re: Bug Report: Sine wave generator has crackling Amplitude Modulation
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2016, 11:53:21 am »
yes, I tried it out and  yes I could hear a little bit of zipper noise/crackle as the controller moved.. this used to happen a lot in older keyboards Midi based volume pedals...I think because the controller might be stepping through a finite set of values rather than the smoothness of an old analog pot. My mod wheel only puts out 0-127 values....perhaps its because of this limit?


« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 11:54:53 am by jeffbart »
cubase 9.0.40
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Re: Bug Report: Sine wave generator has crackling Amplitude Modulation
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2016, 12:17:36 pm »
Ah, but Arturia should have programmed in interpolation so that it wouldn't "jump" causing zipper noise.


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Re: Bug Report: Sine wave generator has crackling Amplitude Modulation
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2016, 01:23:20 am »
cubase 9.0.40
the amazing Modartt Pianoteq
Arturia things
tc electronic konnekt 24d


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