Well, I think I've got the problem almost fixed. I went to town on the faders with some canned air and they're working almost perfectly. The first one (which I use for volume), still has a slight issue at the very bottom of the fader run. Sometimes when I run it all the way to the bottom it jumps up to midi CC value of 3-4, which isn't a problem, however, when it does that, moving the LAST fader (F9), it will spit out some values. Not a situation that's likely to lead to any problems, but it is weird.
My guitarist is going to lend me some DeoxIT Contact Cleaner, which he uses all the time to clean out Neve boards, maybe that'll clear the last bit up.
My pots could probably use a little cleaning too, but I almost never use them. I like faders way better, especially over endless encoders, that's the one thing about the board that I'm not crazy about, I'd take traditional pots any day.