Hello world of Arturia...
my vote is in a priority for the
- YAMAHA SY/TG77 or SY99 ( i guess that SY99 can read TG77 sys.ex patches )
i was trying many times to manually input by parameters, in NI FM7 / FM8 , some patches i am using in the TG77 but without success.
i am speaking of course about ONLY FM patches. Theorically, 6 FM op VS 6 FM op... but parameters never react the same.
16 MIDI channel multitimbral 1: NEVER DONE by Arturia VSTi emulation, so maybe a challenge for the GUI ? )
- Second synth should be a very rare FM from Elka, the Elka 44.
2x8 FM oscillators, 9 poliphony voices, multitimbral 8 MIDI channel ?
- Roland D-50.
i guess the problem from ROLAND because of their own emulation,
but their web vaporware cloud connected bidule and some weired strange annual subscribtion to make the VSTi working
doesn't inspire any trust from any musicien.
A musical instrument has NEVER to deal with some web connection to work. This is a future obsolescence.
A main goal to have VSTi is to have THE sound for far future in time, even if there is no more web site of the manufacturer.
So i resume :
-ELKA 44
( for the story :
i owned a ROLAND MT32, and when i found the VST "MuntVSTi", this is the exact emulation of the real Roland MT32, with all it's behaviour, volatile RAM, 8 volatile memory pathces and so on, internal reverb... Exactly the same thing... in some so little vst DLL ! ... without the background noise !
Remixed all my compo using the MT32.
i NEED have one day, the same story with so used and inspiring Yamaha TG77 ....