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Author Topic: What synths/keyboards would you guys like to see emulated next ? (After VC6)  (Read 50640 times)


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As a matter of fact, I was thinking the same thing about the modules of the Modular V being pluggable into a virtual rack so that they could be moved around as needed.  The sequencer and chorus etc modules could be removed if not needed or placed on top (like the Modular V version 2)


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Something really different would be good,  like the DK Synergy/ Crumar GDS

that would grab some attention !


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What's wrong with my post in this thread from February 08, since it's not been approved (Yet)?

Kevin R

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The Novachord.

Hammond came out with this monster in 1939. It was the first electronic synth. But it didn't use integrated circuits, obviously. This baby used 163 valves for it's oscillators. The sound was super rich and warm. 72 note polyphonic. It used envelopes and filters that were controllable with large bakelite switches.

There is a fully restored Novachord that could be used to base an Arturia modeled version on here; http://www.discretesynthesizers.com/nova/intro.htm

I've got the sampled Novachord for Kontact from Sonicourture and it's a beautiful thing. Very lush. But a modeled version by Arturia would probably be even more better than samples given the capabilities of modern modeling technologies of analog systems. Plus the other things Arturia could add to it.

That's my vote.


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Full-size 1960's Lowery Theatre Organ

Lowery began his experiments in 1918. Whereas Hammond used the church organ as his "model", Lowery used the Thatre organ, which had a full range of organ families, often featuring both Flute AND Tibia stops and a "Tremulant" effect which pre-dated the Leslie

Anoather theatre organ you might model would be the Schober from the 1960's which had, IIRC a full 9 pitch registers or even the Hammond theatre organ of the 1970's which had both the horseshoe console AND the full compliment of drawbars

At any rate a good full-bore theatre organ would be good complement to the B-3 as it would have Arturia include the instrument design philosophies of both major electronic organ compaies

Then two, Schober also had a Formal organ and a "consolette" which had two full KB's and a 17 note pedal board IIRC


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My picks:

1. Hammond Novachord
2. Ensoniq SQ80/VFX hybrid, like the Prophet 5/VS hybrid
3. Yamaha SY99
4. The Vox/Hammond/Rhodes/Wurli stomp boxes available as a separate audio FX plugin. Far superior to emulations of filters I'll "actually use" but (unsurprisingly) don't.

Dog Brűlé

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Sherman Filter Bank v1  ;)

dan lava

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roland d50
rmi harmonic synthesizer
all originalpatches from fairlight v
please arturia please release this on vc7


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Arp Chroma / Rhodes Chroma
Arp Quadra


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Okay here’s some fun ones that would be great

-Movement MCS Drum Computer. Not many exist but would be freakin cool to get those crunchy drum sounds. Used by Eurhythmics and Genesis
-Sequential Circuits Pro-One: been itching for a VST of the Pro-One for years.
-Memorymoog for obvious reasons
-OBX Series
Emu Emulator series.  If the CMI and Synclavier were done, why not give the Emulator/Drumulator series a shot

Some added patches to existing synths
Some added drum machines to Spark especially more vintage units


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Re: What synths/keyboards would you guys like to see emulated next ? (After VC6)
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2018, 02:06:02 am »
Ditto the suggestion of the Memorymoog, OB-X and Emulator.

Solid calls!


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Re: What synths/keyboards would you guys like to see emulated next ? (After VC6)
« Reply #41 on: September 30, 2018, 08:29:16 pm »
My vote goes towards these:

A modular system based on the hardware found in the early 1950s-60s pre-Moog electronic studios of Bebe & Louis Barron, Raymond Scott, and various universities of that time.

E-mu Emulator II

DK Synergy

And for something bizarre, the Ensoniq Fizmo.


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I'd love to see some Korg synths. I know the MicroKorg is still alive and kicking, but I'd still love to have a good software emulation of that. If nothing else, it had the same engine as the MS2000, and technically the MS2000 is historical relic at this point (hint, hint). Also,

Korg MS-20
Korg Wavestation
Alesis Micron/Akai Miniak

And I have to say it, just imagine what Arturia could do with the Casio SK-5 Sampler!

Oh, and how about some kind of supercharged Theremin (ala the Theremini), packaged with a hardware controller (or integrated into Keylab MkIII)


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There already are VST emulations for the

MS-20 as well as the Wavestation by KORG.

They're in the KORG Collection right there with VSTs for the

M1 and also the ARP Odyssey.

I would be a bit unnescessary if Arturia would re-invent the wheel again IMHO

(The Polymoog has also already been emulated by Memorymoon,

and the VCS3 has already been done by XILS, quite a while back)


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I would really like a Roland D50 emulation, but that would have to include the effects of the D50 as they are part of the sound


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