Had a blast with my new Beatstep Pro last night. After a few hours of sequencing and tweaking, these are the thing I found I was missing:
-individual drum mutes in drum sequencer
-pattern nudge
-a way to reset all sequencers back to step one. Maybe that should be the default behaviour for the stop button. Pause pauses, stop stops and returns to the beginning. If you're jamming out and change the last step on one sequence to a different value than the other sequences, then return it to the same value, the sequences will be off if you didn't make this change on the 1. The only way I could get it back was stop all sequences, set the last step to 1, start the sequencer, then set the last step back to the same as the other sequencers. Ugh. I RTFM, but please let me know if I'm missing some better way to do this.
-and last but certainly the opposite of least, THE ENCODERS NEED HELP. They're a pain to use, especially in Control mode. Trying to perform a precise filter sweep over the length of a measure was nearly impossible. Sure, I could flick the knob as fast as I could and get from 0 to 127 almost instantly, but no one wants to do that. I'm thinking the only way to get them feeling the way people are expecting is to add an additional acceleration option that quantizes the encoder's output resolution so that one revolution will bring you from 0 to 100%. It's also been suggested that SHIFT+knob could scroll faster. What if SHIFT+ knob could be another global option? So you could choose both user acceleration and SHIFT acceleration. That would be hot. So you could set the user default to be "quantized" for filter tweaks, etc. and SHIFT+knob default to be "slow" for getting real precise. I think that would be completely doable on the software side and totally awesome on the user side. Let's do this, Arturia.