Hi i got an email and tried what they said by putting metronome on 100bpm and synced the mini brute to my daw . made a one note sequence and played it against the click 1. seems to be in sync 2. is a little out which i was told is 25% swing next its 50% and forth is 75%.
so i think it ok but you cannot hear the first and fourth that well as they swing really near the beat.
I can confirm that is definitely not the case with my machine.
I did as you described and recorded the MiniBrute sequencer playing a short pulse of noise which I recorded into my DAW and sliced according to transient detection.
The results were exactly as I described:
Position 1 - hard 16ths.
Position 2 - hard 16ths.
Position 3 - 22 tick swing on 2nd 16th note.
Position 4 - 21 tick swing on 2nd 16th note.
Position 1 and 2 are zero swing - position 3 and 4 are approximately 21 - 22 ticks swing. The one tick discrepancy is negligible.
I would be interested to know if it is just my machine which is faulty or whether it is a design fault. If anyone feels like repeating my measurements I'd be obliged.
I submitted a support ticket on 06/01/2015 but have had no response.
Screengrabs attached.