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Author Topic: How stable is the Origin?  (Read 17624 times)


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2014, 01:28:10 pm »
I am on this board since 2009 and we should know by now that the CS-80 template won't happening due to the computational restrains. I think that became obvious at some point.

To my understanding the full CS-80 may be a bit heavy to stitch together with separate modules and connections, but if it was made as a monolithic emulation it would be far more efficient (this also makes perfect sense for a DSP programmer).

Regarding the ARP-2600 template, I would argue if that would make any sense to create a template for a semi modular synth. You can do that yourself by putting some modules together.

Again efficiency is a point. It's also convenient and cool to have a few classics as templates.

I don't know if there is anything to finish and I honestly doubt that Arturia is even thinking about this at the moment. If there are problems (they would be mainly with the keyboard) we should voice it and maybe Philippe is giving us a last effort. But I would not hold my breath for "new" things to come.

These templates are still in the revised specs. In October 2010, the Prophet 5 template was taken out of the specs, while the CS-80 and ARP-2600 was kept precisely because they are planned to be included. The devs have in fact stated on several occasions that the templates are being worked on and it's their intention to include them in an update.

Now, should you buy an Origin at this point? I don't see why not.

I agree. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend an Origin to synthesis enthusiasts. For its (few) flaws it's a unique and wonderful synthesizer.

Again I ask of Arturia to make some kind of statement on the 1.5 update, or the future of the Origin in general. If there won't be an update (and I dearly hope that isn't the case!), then it would be better to tell us than to keep the community and customers waiting and speculating.

So Philippe, if you can't tell us, please get Frederic Brun to clear this up.


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2014, 04:58:42 pm »

I agree. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend an Origin to synthesis enthusiasts. For its (few) flaws it's a unique and wonderful synthesizer.

Again I ask of Arturia to make some kind of statement on the 1.5 update, or the future of the Origin in general. If there won't be an update (and I dearly hope that isn't the case!), then it would be better to tell us than to keep the community and customers waiting and speculating.

So Philippe, if you can't tell us, please get Frederic Brun to clear this up.

This is a obviously post from an owner who is lucky to have functional unit...? If you had one with malfunctioning knobs, you wouldn't probably recommend it to anyone. Especially when you realize what kind of a nightmare it can be to make it fixed. Or when you have sent ten emails to Arturia without answer.

IMO if something needs to be heard from mr. Brun (or other in charge), it's about customer service for our Origins. Can we expect to have repair service for our Origins? Sorry to say, but I am quite sure that one by one we'll have more Origins with malfunctioning knobs. Would you recommend Origin to someone, if you cannot say anything about its endurance. As comparison Big companies like Roland or Korg can give you repair service for very old instruments. Forget "promised" modules and templates, it is this part what matters most. And obvious firmaware malfunctions, especially MIDI out in Origin Kb.

Origin is a great instrument just the way it is now, but these things need to be handled properly. Now when Origin is obviously close being discontinued product, it's most important to know what is happening in future: Do we still have replacement parts and repair service? Do we get get obvious bugs fixed (like MIDI out issue)? I can live without CS-80 or ARP-2600 templates or new modules, but I still wait for my units work like they should.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 06:16:51 pm by JacksonP »


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2014, 10:11:52 pm »
This is a obviously post from an owner who is lucky to have functional unit...? If you had one with malfunctioning knobs, you wouldn't probably recommend it to anyone. Especially when you realize what kind of a nightmare it can be to make it fixed. Or when you have sent ten emails to Arturia without answer.

IMO if something needs to be heard from mr. Brun (or other in charge), it's about customer service for our Origins. Can we expect to have repair service for our Origins? Sorry to say, but I am quite sure that one by one we'll have more Origins with malfunctioning knobs. Would you recommend Origin to someone, if you cannot say anything about its endurance. As comparison Big companies like Roland or Korg can give you repair service for very old instruments. Forget "promised" modules and templates, it is this part what matters most. And obvious firmaware malfunctions, especially MIDI out in Origin Kb.
Yes, my unit is working. However, I do have several experiences with malfunctioning instruments that I would still recommend. E.g. my Roland JD-990 which had it's "Big Knob" breaking or my Waldorf Q which has several wonky encoders (cheap encoders are notorious for their lack of durability, and I service these thing myself as far as possible). I've also had trouble getting acceptable service from some of those bigger corporations.

That being said, I make no excuses for cases of bad CS. I don't know how bad or not-bad the Arturia CS is though. One simple fact is that you basically only read CS related messages from those who are dissatisfied here. The presumably thousand of happy customers are as always silent. The only case involving someone I know was resolved swiftly. Some other cases obviously aren't - and they should of course be.

Now, the fact that some are dissatisfied with the CS does in no way change the other aspects of the product, like bringing it up to the advertised, talked about and promised  specification. Implicit in that is the elimination of bugs, of course. How they handle this is very telling of how the future for the product is looking, so as such these things are far from unimportant. "Comabting" me for bringing this up is not going to help your or other CS cases. Quite the opposite; Arturia is a relatively small operation, and the individuals involved matters - if they take pride in keeping their baby alive (continued development) good things may happen, even to the CS. If we, the enthusiast customers suggest that bringing it up to spec, with some desirable features in the package, is unimportant then that is certainly not going to make anything better.

BTW, I just watched some videos of Frederic Brun waxing lyrically about the Origin (keyboard) and its future, i.e. how Arturia wants to keep updating the firmware. Phillipe  has also been saying that they're working on the firmware and that there will be updates. Thus I stand by my request for a statement on what we will see (or not) of firmware updates.


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2014, 04:03:55 pm »
It may seem that I am overreacting about these knob issues, but think it this way: if you'll have a malfunctioning Origin and you cannot do anything locally (I think this is the case most often with O) and you cannot count on Arturia, you are left with totally useless instrument. Personally I am at the position of thinking about giving up with my Origin desktop, cause it can make stupid things on stage by itself (= some knobs sending values on their own). When things like that start to happen more often, new modules or templates won't help. Some minor knob problems may be acceptable to some users, but professional keyboard player cannot have instrument which may suddenly change its sound by itself. If you just want to have Origin's sound this MIDI  local off might be at least some kind of a solution to knob problematics.


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2014, 04:47:16 pm »

It's on my way to do it..the visit.
I don't try to accomplish anything apart from being a direct voice for the community here.
About the so called karma here i don't give a shite.
But I would appreciate anyone having something against me to step up front.
Not like a coward..anonimous and behind my back.
That's it.

Hey, knock yourself out…Mr…Cocomo Joe...


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2014, 10:36:44 am »
Well, relax, take it easy.

If someone wants to visit us, even if it is to complain about the Origin, that's OK. If that happens, a direct discussion with Frederic Brun is possible. If someone else prefers to directly contact Fred, just do it. I know that Fred is aware of the frustration of many Origin's users, so he'll surely answer and he may explain how he sees the future of Origin. Of course if he receives hundreds of mails he may not be so happy  ;) So.....
Origin Lead  Developer


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2014, 10:44:51 pm »
Sorry Philippe but everytime I look at this forum a lot of complaining is what I see.
The fact monsieur Brun is ignoring all these complaints of people who have payed a lot of money is shameless. Apart from that, after telling years of lies about updates, templates and so on and never releasing these how serious could a company telling these incorrect stories be taken?

The company is running newsletter after newsletter trying to sell you even more. Why should you buy from a company that tells you years and years it will provide you more updates and does not?

I have to remember you Arturia is an European company and European Law is applicable. How about gathering all Origin users in one law suit forcing Arturia to do what it tells ( and should do under warrenty!!)

Shameless act and I have never reported my hardware issue as I could tell the rest of the story, ABSOLUTE SILENCE OF AN ARROGANT BUNCH OF MONEY STEALING SUCKERS.

cocomo joe

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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2014, 01:37:00 pm »
I agree to take it offense to you all.
If everything works out as planned I will make the visit and peeps are willing to talk..about the origin.
I don't think Arturia is some kind of (evil) company trying to suck money from anyone. MR Jackson said several's time for a firm statement about the future of origin.

Also..the argument made by another poster about updates for older products is certainly true.
And with this in mind how can a product like the Origin still ask the full price for abandoned synth on the officional website?

For me personally..I don't give a damn about future usage of Origin.
I bought it because I wanted to give it a I stated  before in another post.
In my arsenal it's already written of as some solid piece of kit.

As for the sounds the machine delivers..well..I can go anywhere..right?
As it comes to the use of analog modular synths one is better of buying a capable computer and NI.reactor for example.
Talking about something realy modular..and programable..right?

Recently..I got myself a softsynth called POLYCOBOLD..also from a french developer..and it's wonderful.
Google it..if you want to know more about it. I'm tired.
I go to the forget it all room.

cocomo joe

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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2014, 01:55:22 pm »
No be it.
If that's the case I no longer waisting my time here.
Better things to do on really alive boards.
Good luck with your're going to need it.


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2014, 02:04:21 pm »
No be it.
There have been many replies and many opinions. It's not really any need to reiterate it all - although I have a feeling we may possibly see this same round on here in a while...  :P

Now, we're waiting for Arturia to say or do something, I guess. Until then...
« Last Edit: May 22, 2014, 11:54:37 pm by DrJustice »


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2014, 09:44:48 pm »
No be it.

I thought you are visiting Arturia end of June. I am all ears what you will report back!!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 03:00:54 am by Cord »

cocomo joe

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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #26 on: May 25, 2014, 04:19:07 pm »
Mr Justice ..Mr Cord..I apologise I was very tired when posting..and i'm used to lively boards..not like this one.
And yes ..many things have been said over and over again..true.
I'll be living up to my promise to visit Arturia at the end of June and keep you posted.

Don't get me wrong..I also want a future for the synth.
But at the same time..I have lots of gear..and a pro stud..going into a ton of money. that perspective the loss of some HW is of little significance and expandable..although regretted.

Sorry for the hihat..but these are the facts.
All the best to all of you Origin lovers.


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2014, 12:18:15 pm »
I planned a trip on my motorcycle to Vaison la Romaine (haute provence) for the end of june.
From where I live it's just a 1000 km/600 miles away.
So..I thought,why not visit Grenoble and ask those guys at Arturia about the things that hurt so many peeps person!
Then..we will see what the response will be..face to face.

So, how did it go? Did you bring me a big knob??


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Re: How stable is the Origin?
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2015, 04:43:24 pm »
So, any news from the trip?
There is no spoon.


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