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Author Topic: Is it possible to control teh JUN-6V from a real JUNO-106 hardware?  (Read 3684 times)


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 I have got a JUNO 106 hardware and I am trying (without success until now) to use it as a MIDi controller instead of my Arturia Keylab 88 as I thought that it would be easier to use with the ppropriate controls mapped on each slider, buttons,etc. but I could not manage yet to make it work.

 I have set the MIDi switch to the position III (3) on the juno-106 I have connected the IN/OUT MIDi connectors  via my iRig2 MIDi ports and selected the "Generic MIDI controler" from the JUN-6v but when I am moving a slider in the synth to map it to a selected control of the JUN-6V nothing is moving.  :-\
The midi channel is set to 1 on the JUNO-106 and ALL in the JUN-6V settings panel.

any suggestions are welcome as I do not understand why it does not work  as I can control my JUNO 106 in both ways (from the GUI or from the hardware) without problem  (with the same midi setup)via the J-106 librarian application: http://www.jarvik7.net/juno-106/

Thanks in advance for your help.
Cheers, eric


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Re: Is it possible to control teh JUN-6V from a real JUNO-106 hardware?
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2020, 03:28:50 pm »
I am answering to myself finally...  :)

by digging a bit on the web, it appeared that the JUNO 106 is using system exclusive MIDI message  instead of CC expected by the ARTURIA JUN-6V.

I have found are some JUNO 106 MIDi implementation information in  the following web pages if someone is ineterested:

=> I will try to do the SYSEZX -> CC conversion using this software:

If someone is interrested, and if I manage to do something working (as it does not seems that easy at a first sigth), I will keep you informed.
Cheers, eric


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