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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Does the Synclavier V Emulate / Simulate the DAC and ADC of the Hardware?  (Read 2748 times)


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As per the post title.
Some people talk about Synclavier V lacking the "warmth" of the hardware. Which is a bit odd, seeing how that's generally a complaint regarding software-emulated analog gear, while the Synclavier was/is digital gear. Essentially a specialized computer running a specialized purpose-specific custom soft-synth.
It could well be that the hardware DAC adds noise and distortion that Synclavier V might lack. (and ADC on the sampler side of things) Could also be cuz the hardware had to run thru an amp and/or analog board, which again would add analog distortion and such.
Of course, we can simply add that via amp emulations or saturation plugins or other such stuff.
Still, emulating/simulating that actual DAC/ADC of the original hardware would be pretty sweet. Something Arturia should add if it's not already in there. But I don't recall the manual saying anything about that end of things.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2019, 12:48:50 am by artao »
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