« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2019, 07:43:41 pm »
Agree. Just found I couldn't load Playing in the Dudley Orchestra preset - screenshot attached.
Darn...saw this too late...and sent a notice to the support..
One difference though, I don't have the installfile from Synthopedia, but I have all the other installation-files from the soundpacks, so I guess I've never had it,- it just got included with V7 I guess...
It's not registered on my account either, but all the other packs are..so...guess I'll have to wait for the support to answer me.
Synthopedia works on all the other plugins btw.

PC with Windows 10 - 64bit., 16gb RAM, IntelCore i7 3770 CPU 3,40ghz.
FL Studio 20 Studio Edition
V-Collection, Pigments, Bazille, Blue2, Eiosis AirEQ, Largo, GO2, Speakerphone, Blade,PolyKB II, Synthix, V+, Matrix, Lector, Minimonsta, Spark VDM, Xils4, Xils5000, OB-XA V, Polymoog, Synthi V, NAVE.