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Author Topic: Low output on many presets  (Read 6273 times)


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Low output on many presets
« on: May 16, 2019, 09:36:37 am »
This has been discussed on GS also.

Generally speaking the output is very low. Even with raising the volume on some preset, I had to crank up
my preamps. Tried both TRS and "normal" audio cable.

Is there any solution for this?



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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2019, 11:45:25 am »
Hi MarkFromGermany,

did you try to monitor output signal in a DAW? i would be definitely interested (from an "init" preset, with master volume at max) to know what vumeters would tell when monitoring line and headphones output without addding any input gain on your audio interface or preamps.
Thanks in advance,


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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2019, 12:55:05 am »
monophonic is louder for sure, try that out. also, actual loudness is different from what humans actual hear because of how sensitive we are in the midrange. I don't have a problem so far with the variations in volume. some of the osc modes cut thru more. I may try running into a tube pre and an analog compressor to see if that fattens it up


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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2019, 04:15:11 am »
To try to put things into numbers:

Init mono patch into a line input in my RME UFX, measurements taken using Logic’s loudness meter:

input set at +4dBu = output level -29dB
input set at -10dBV = output level -21.5dB

Wave’s VU meter hits zero at the -10dBV level input at a meter headroom setting of roughly -22dB.

Some oscillator settings are louder than that, don’t think I’ve noticed any that are quieter.
That’s lower than most of my synths and similar to my Waldorf microQ.

So it needs a bit of pre-amping, some synths do and I can live with that.

Chris Whitten

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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2019, 02:13:11 pm »
Yes, I have this issue, if you want to call it an issue.
It's in the least - disappointing, because I have many hardware synths, including vintage synths, Eurorack modular and a couple of modern analog synths, and Microfreak is waaaay lower in output than everything else I own and use.
I haven't checked any specific numbers, but using my UAD Apollo 'unison' mic/pres I have to add as much gain as they will give, just to get Microfreak to mid-level gain in my DAW.
I'm usually attenuating things like my modular.
It makes MIcrofreak less enjoyable to use as I can't hear it very well on it's own, and it's almost impossible to tweak or create sounds while the rest of my production is playing.
Yes, I can process Microfreak through a hardware mic/pre and really crank the volume. I could go through and start raising the level on Microfreak presets, but just having an output level in the same ballpark as the vast majority of other hardware pieces (synths, drum machines etc) seems a really basic requirement to me.


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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2019, 12:31:39 am »
Hi MarkFromGermany,

did you try to monitor output signal in a DAW? i would be definitely interested (from an "init" preset, with master volume at max) to know what vumeters would tell when monitoring line and headphones output without addding any input gain on your audio interface or preamps.
Thanks in advance,

Hi Germain,

I have a couple hardware synths including the Microbrute which are all hotter than the MicroFreak.
Anyway, the numbers I can give you are from the Youlean Loudness Meter (you can grab their free versions)

Given the Init patch (preset volume set to max) with neither amp or pre-amp I get these readings on the integrated LUFS parameter..

-40.0 if set to monophonic
-40.8 if set to paraphonic  (basic triads)

As a real world example, take the same Init patch as above.
I had it running through the saturater stock plugin in Ableton Live
the drive value set to +20.6 dB (-19.5 integrated LUFS) to make it work in the mix (which peaks around -12db before mastering).

Hope this helps!

« Last Edit: May 28, 2019, 12:34:13 am by MarkFromGermany »


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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2019, 07:31:25 am »
Is the signal-to-noise ratio at least good?
 I'm familiar with this problem (even my Sequential OB-6 has to run through a mixer before it goes 'in the box').
However, if there is hum or hiss within 50db of the quieter patches then there is a problem.

...I have one arriving tomorrow :o


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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2019, 11:14:19 pm »
No problems with noise here. The output isn't an issue for me as I run everything into preamps first. Giving it enough gain (or too much) doesn't make it noisy for me


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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2019, 09:53:17 pm »
I don’t mind if the output is fairly low; that can be fixed (mixer pre-amp). However, there is a significant difference in volume between the monophonic and paraphonic mode. That is annoying because it requires mixer level adjustments when you change presets. Hopefully this can be addressed in an update.
Current set-up: Mac, iPad, Kronos, Karma, QS7, MicroKorg, Sub37, Digitakt, Koma, D-110, several softsynths. Cubase.


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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2019, 12:23:23 pm »
For me noise gets seriously bad if I cranck up the gain.. MS20 mini bad..


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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2019, 02:11:24 pm »
my question would first be , did you go into the menu and check your "preset volume" setting? the paraphonic mode has to be lower than the mono setting to prevent clipping (basic gain staging I am sure you understand). beyond that its also gonna depend on harmonic content etc. but if you are seeing drastically low numbers that seem to not be correct... maybe you have something wrong with your unit.


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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2020, 08:32:31 am »
my favorite and new normal way of hooking it up is thru and analog compressor first, in my case an RNC. It gets a bunch of makeup gain and some musical squishing that brings out some details nicely.It sounds hella good now. My phatter synths were burying it in the live mix before that. Leveling the signal worked better than just giving it more preamp gain in the end for me


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Re: Low output on many presets
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2020, 02:52:01 am »
I just purchased a new Microfreak. This is a cool little synth. My plan is to integrate it into my Eurorack system - as a keyboard controller (PGP out) and/or as another voice in my system. I'm liking it thus far but have a BIG complaint about the volume level output from either headphone or line out. It's too low to be useable, so I have to run it through my DAW first and boost the level by 16-24dB. Way too much is needed to amplify the Microfreak. That is even after I have boosted the preset volume in the synth itself. I am assuming this is a HW issue, Arturia just didn't give enough thought to the internal audio amp to provide a decent line level output. Right?

Thank you for any help or insight you can provide.  Todd
« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 08:35:25 pm by sagetone »


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