Ok so it's not the preset browser category selection it self, that you have seen. And not the preset browser that open with the button with the lines, that you describe the mouse is over to select. The type name shown in the top panel is there for a long time in the video, and not only for a short moment like you have said.
So what you are saying now is, that you see a type in the toppanel. A thing you say we as users can't do. But like you can see in the attached image in this post we can. You' can see a MyType type i have created.
I can understand that one can think the sample type shown in the video will be in the application. I think i might did that a short while, when i first saw it in the video. And the presenter does'nt say it will be a factory category in the application. And what about a resynthesis type or whatever. That's not shown either.
The use of the type can bein a work proces. It can also be a mistake it's not there now. But i don't know for sure.
It could have been a thougt Arturia had to have such types. But the presenter does'nt say anything about categories. And there would'nt be any buttons on their new controllers for more factory types. But perhaps they had forgot that, and ended up removing the type.
But you also can't see that type in the preset browser shown in the video on Arturias website. So it's not getting any attention from Arturia, that there should be new types.
Anyway. The category is'nt there in the application we have. We agree that Arturia could have done something to at least have made it easier to see which presets is new, as that's the main thing.
That could also have included for example a sample and a resynthesis attribute of some kind, to show which sounds that include this. I've said that in the forums.
I hope we understand each other now.