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Author Topic: Map parameters to mod wheel?  (Read 9201 times)


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Map parameters to mod wheel?
« on: July 24, 2018, 01:21:52 pm »
Not possible to map parameter to mod wheel?
MacBook Pro M1 Ventura
Studio One 6


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Re: Map parameters to mod wheel?
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2018, 04:54:26 pm »
Modwheel is a reserved parameter.
In the individual full applications modwheel assigments can be done. Often thru a Matrix. In Analog Lab this assigments work, but you can't change those assigments in Analog Lab, unless you have the full applications and can open them inside Analog Lab.


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Re: Map parameters to mod wheel?
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2018, 07:24:58 pm »
When you say its a reserved parameter. May i ask what is the source parameter?
For instance, when i load a preset in Analog Lab 3, is there a way to see which parameter is assigned to the mod wheel?
MacBook Pro M1 Ventura
Studio One 6


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Re: Map parameters to mod wheel?
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2018, 08:01:18 pm »
Sorry - I meant reserved Midi CC number - reserved control. Such controls use the standard Generel MIDI CC number for that control. There are many standard MIDI CC lists on the web like this:
For example the Modwheel has MIDI CC 1 as standard. It often have certain things it can do in applications, or certain ways to be assigned to parameters. This is not only in Arturia applications.

Regarding Arturias applications, then You can see in the manuals which MIDI CCs is reserved. You can find the manuals here:

In Analog Lab you can only see what the modwheel is controlling by opening the full application inside. That requiere you own the full applications. You can allways hear the effect by using the modwheel.
When you create a Multi in Analog Lab, then you can select to disable the Modwheel for each of the 2 sounds. (I think there is a bug about this functionality for at least JUP-8 sounds at the moment.)
I suggest you have a look in the manuals.


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Re: Map parameters to mod wheel?
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2018, 09:24:37 pm »
Actually i meant, what is the TARGET parameter.
Its just hard to grasp the fact that there is no dropdown menu on the mod wheel to choose a target parameter
All other knobs and sliders on the Analog Lab  have a dropdown menu to set a target destination, but theres no dropdown on the MODULATION wheel?
Im not meaning to complain, but i just dont understand why?

MacBook Pro M1 Ventura
Studio One 6


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Re: Map parameters to mod wheel?
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2018, 12:52:22 am »
Actually i meant, what is the TARGET parameter.
Its just hard to grasp the fact that there is no dropdown menu on the mod wheel to choose a target parameter
All other knobs and sliders on the Analog Lab  have a dropdown menu to set a target destination, but theres no dropdown on the MODULATION wheel?
Im not meaning to complain, but i just dont understand why?

And i have tried to explain. I try to explain more.

Keep in mind you have that options in the full applications, and that full applications can be opened inside Analog Lab, if you own them. The target parameters for modwheel is inside the full applications.
Do you for example know what a modulation matrix is, and what you can do in a modulation matrix? It's more than assigning a single parameter. And they for example can use a reserved control like the modwheel.

Sound designers often use the modwheel for the sound design. You have other MIDI CC controls you can assign freely, and those the sounddesigners have'nt used as they just have set the parameters you then can assign controls for.

Please remember that the modwheel may be used to control many different parameters with different modulation amounts in the full applications, at the same time. It could be cutoff with an amount of  100% and resonance with an amount of 50% and so on. You can't do that with a simple one target parameter dropdown menu, like you have for the other controls in Analog Lab.

As i know you have Studio One 4, but i don't know, if you have Arturias V-Collection, then you for example can see the same in Studio Ones modulation matrix for MAI TAI.

In most cases you perhaps just as well can use knobs to do what you wan't.

And when you create a Analog Lab multi, then you even have access to macro controls that actually offer you the possiblity to assign multiple parameters to a single knob, and control those parameters with different amounts. So apart from it's a knob, and not a modwheel, then you actually have 8 macros that can control 4 parameters with different amounts each.

Arturia could perhaps make it possible to assign the modwheel to Analog Labs knobs or make it like a multi macro itself, and when that's done then bypass the normal modwheel functionality. But perhaps it's against their ideas for Analog Lab, or perhaps it's more technical and exspensive to do than such.

Also please also keep in mind, that Analog Lab is'nt a synth as such. It is a host for other synths and keys, it play presets, you have access to a selection parameters, it add some functionality, and you can even open the full applications inside when you own them, and that way give you access to more than 20 synths and keys full functionality and thus access to all parameters, just like you can use those applications by them self without the use of Analog Lab.

Again i suggest you read in the manuals to get an idea of the possibilities in Arturias applications.

DAWs also offer different possibilities, where you perhaps can bypass the modwheel in Analog Lab, and then somehow assign your modwheel to the knobs in Analog Lab.
In Studio One you for example can map your modwheel for Control Link, and then assign it to control a Studio One macro control that again can control multiple automation parameters from for example Analog Lab at the same time. I will not make a tutorial, as there are tutorials on the web.
But be aware that mapping the modwheel for Studio Ones Control Link will make it stop working by default for normal modwheel fuctionality.


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Re: Map parameters to mod wheel?
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2018, 04:45:01 pm »
Thank you, for taking time to explain.
I appreciate it, and it makes more sense now.

I do have the V collection yes.
So basically what i need to to is look into the modulation matrix for each of the instruments to fully understand how it works,
and how to assign parameters to the modwheel inside the full application. So for this i need to look at the individual manuals.

I have to say. Its an amazing collection of synths. Again, thanks for your patience.
MacBook Pro M1 Ventura
Studio One 6


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Re: Map parameters to mod wheel?
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2018, 05:49:42 pm »
Your welcome.

Yes you have to find out what modwheel can be used for in the individual applications.
The modwhell is often used for vibrato - also tradiditional style. It allready can control other parameters thru Analog Lab than Analog Lab provide for controls, depending on how it's assigned in the presets.
Keep in mind, that Modwheel functionality does'nt allways include the use of a modualtion matrix.

And yes in Arturias applications you have a sound that you don't find elsewhere.

Have fun.


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