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Author Topic: BUG: Resize feature does'nt work. Also resize open a save procedure - no resize.  (Read 9300 times)

ben arturia

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 ??? !
I'm sorry to hear that ! Could you please give me a screen shot of your computer congig.
Press Windows+Pause and post here the screen shot.
Thanks !


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I use Windows 10 Home 64 bit based system and processor.
I have had the issue with different OS updates. I'm fully updated now to Windows 10 version 1803.

CPU: i7 3610QM 2.30 GHz. -
Graphics Intel HD 4000 and NVIDEA GeForce 610M

CPU: i7 3770 3.4 GHz -
RAM: 16 GB
Graphics: Intel HD 4000.

Tell me if you need more info.

Does'nt all Arurias applications resize function work the same way?

ben arturia

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The resize function work the same way on all the VC6. That's why this is so strange that you have the bug only with AnalogLab.
You can try to disable the HD 4000 driver and check if the issue remains. Both computer use the same GPU. Maybe your problem comes from this GPU.
Using default windows drivers could help us spotting where the problem comes from.

We are investigating on your issue. I'll let you know if we find something.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 10:15:54 am by ben arturia »


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Hi again,

I have tried to run AL3 with GeForce graphic. The issue persist.
I would have been very surprised, if that woud have worked, as other VC applications resize function does work. But yes i know, that sometimes a solution can be found where one don't think it can. And now this is completely ruled out.

To me it still look like AL3 is the culprit somehow.

Yes please keep me informed. This should work.



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Unfortunately this issue persist in AL version


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pure speculation:
such strange effects under Windows may be caused by an appcrash/apphang or an OS-crash. The application or the OS crashes, and the internal parameters of the application completely go mad, because it gets crappy values from the registry.

I don't think of it as a bug: in this case more users would report this, and i also don't think of this as a problem caused by the language-set of the OS (i would expect this problem reported by more users from Denmark).

The methods / Programm blocks "Resize" and "Export" will wait for a certain input. What will cause the method "Export" to be triggered by the value of the Resize-Button, or what causes the Resize-Button to put the value for "Export"?

… but this is pure speculation….


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Thanks for you interrest and input Sanguinea_Project.

Yes apparantly this is'nt a common issue as i thought it would be, because it really is a weird issue.

what causes the Resize-Button to put the value for "Export"?
I think that's the question to be answered, as i can change size value in the XLM file manually, and then the size change.


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in my job sometimes i have to deal with such effects. To the user it is annoying and frustrating because no one can confirm it (… why ME ???...), an to the support/developers it is pure hell because they construct test cases, check the code over and over again, und cannot find any clue.
The worst thing i ever had was a complete false date (like 53.14.6798 ( in a date- and timecritical application. Only one user of a few thousands, not to reproduce, no problem with the code. It took two weeks to find: it was a problem with a certain version of the OS and the chipset of a rare mainboard.

By the way, just fiddleld around a bit:

- changed the langauge-set to dansk, cannot reproduce the effect. Everything works fine.

- one thing i don't understand: your posting from May 17, 2018, the animated gif: why no banks are shown in the left side? I allways see at least one bank on the left side. And why are patches shown (in the middle), if there seem to be no banks?


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Hi Sanguinea_Project,

Thanks for testing in dansk.

Yes as you can read in this thread, then we all see this as being a very strange issue indeed. But i still would like things to work soon.

To me it look like it somehow have to do with Analog Lab. I don't have this resize issue with my other V-Collection applications. So it's not a generel Windows issue.
I have cooded some too.

About the banks in the GIf. The bank window is closed using the arrow in the circle to the right on the bank line, that you have marked.
But i see what you mean, as this arrow and possibility apparantly also is gone in my Analog Lab 3 now -  i guess after the latest update. It's still there in other VC applications.

Also the issue you reported here has returned.
This issue i also don't recall i have had before the latest update, but i can be wrong.
Perhaps the mentioned missing arrow has something to do with the bank issue you reported.

All in all then there seems to be something wrong with Analog Lab. At least with the GUI functions and perhaps more.

ben arturia

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Hi all,

We have found the root cause of this problem.
This is because you have many banks. I suppose you have more than 100 banks.
When this happens the upper tool bar index is wrong...
This will be fixed in the next update coming soon.

Sorry again for the inconvenience.


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Thanks for returning Ben.

Yes i have more than 100 banks in AL3. Quite easy to get, when you have about 20 applications in V-Collection and the banks from all will show up in AL3. That's also why , i hope you'll remove unavailble attributes in any category, when you use different search methods, instead of just toning them down, as that would give a much better overview. It's easy become too messy as it is.
It would also be great if you could get the attributes like banks shown in alphabetic order - perhaps with factory banks from Arturia shop in a seperate section in the bank section.
This apply to all applications.

Great if this GUI issues is fixed in the next update.
I don't understand how the number of banks should have anything to do with the resize issue, and the fact a wrong function seems to be called. But never mind if it all will work in the next update.



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Although I don't have over 100 banks, I do have more than a dozen and I also would like to see the banks listed in alphabetical order (or at least, an option to sort by alpha or date/time)
I might, if the next update doesn't have that option, may write some software to sort them myself.  I don't know how they appear, though it seems like it's by date/time created.

ben arturia

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Yes you're right this could be a nice feature to have this option.
I'll list this here. Actually they are listed by date/time.

Guillaume Arturia

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Hi all,

Just posting a small message in order to confirm you that this issue will be fixed in the next version which will be released very soon which should be normally available in around 10-15 days.

I would recommend you to proceed with the update of your software when prompted by the Arturia Software Center and to give it then another try.

Indeed, let us know if you still face any troubles afterward.

All the best,


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I can confirm the resize is now working in AL That's good.

But you still can't see the last banks. You can't scroll down to see all.

And as all banks/ attributes in generel unfortunately still is only greyed out and not removed, when they are not in use for a current selection, then it's still a mess.
And the fact the listing is'nt availble in alphabetic order, does not make it easier to find things.

The arrow (or any method) to collapse the bank view is unfortunately not only gone in AL3 but also in all other applications it look like. Please also return that.


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