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Author Topic: We want Spark 3  (Read 19053 times)


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We want Spark 3
« on: February 20, 2018, 12:01:37 pm »
We have waited so long for an update, many users said Spark is dead but the employees from Arturia promised an update. 

Spark 3 would be a good restart for 2018.
We have DrumBrute, BSP and MiniBrute 2S with polyrhythmic sequencer.
Much new software synth to work with Spark.

It would be cool to have Spark as a bridge between the Hardware and Software.

I would love to see in Spark 3
  • a polyrhythmic sequencer
  • new effects
  • more sampling options
  • recordable master effects

Your turn! What do you want for Spark 3?


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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2018, 04:08:27 pm »
I wanted more DAW integration, for example if you select pattern / mute or solo something from SparkLe Controler that it record it into DAW like Ableton, but nothing happened, so I sold my controller and use ist now with Ableton push. The Software with its expansion sounds very good, so I would welcome very much to open spark 3 more for other controllers like ableton push, renew the effect section


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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2018, 06:51:40 pm »
Hi Spark is going to get an update soon but it will only deal with bug fixes and there will be no new features.  I don't know why arturia are not going to give us a Spark 3 ?
ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
ASC,Vcol6, Beatstep pro, VCOL8, Synclavier v.Minibrute2s


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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2018, 08:21:51 am »
...I don't know why arturia are not going to give us a Spark 3 ?

Because they don't care about customers...


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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2018, 02:04:51 pm »
Hi Spark is going to get an update soon but it will only deal with bug fixes and there will be no new features.  I don't know why arturia are not going to give us a Spark 3 ?

So this will be the end of this great idea, of an easy to use Soft/Hardware Drummaschine!  :'(
Terrym you are a Beta user for Arturia right?


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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2018, 04:19:05 pm »
Yes I am a tester
ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
ASC,Vcol6, Beatstep pro, VCOL8, Synclavier v.Minibrute2s


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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2018, 09:25:18 pm »
Take a look at this thread and please report there any bugs you've experienced.
I believe them right now when they say they have a team working on Spark 2.
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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2018, 12:32:57 am »
Take a look at this thread and please report there any bugs you've experienced.
I believe them right now when they say they have a team working on Spark 2.

Sorry Artao, but this thread is not only about the Bugs in Spark 2! It is that Spark has more potential than a few bug fixes! Spark started with a great idea and left the users with a big hole between the hardware and software.


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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2018, 06:19:12 am »
I too want a Spark 3. And perhaps if the update of Spark 2 goes well they'll look into it. It really IS decent software, if only it had some improvements.
Still, it's now my go-to drums unit, cuz it mostly works for what I want it to do.
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Mathieu Pe

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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2018, 12:44:09 pm »
Yes! Spark needs some love! It's about time.

If beta testers are needed I am up for it.

Feature idea: 2 More Multi-out tracks so there is actually enough for the FX return track as well.


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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2018, 04:44:50 pm »
Spark could be a great tool for playing live... if you make new Hardware please make it with Faders!

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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2018, 04:32:08 am »
Hi Spark is going to get an update soon but it will only deal with bug fixes and there will be no new features.  I don't know why arturia are not going to give us a Spark 3 ?

So this will be the end of this great idea, of an easy to use Soft/Hardware Drummaschine!  :'(
Terrym you are a Beta user for Arturia right?

There is currently an update happening. I am a beta tester for it.
It is only a bug fix/update to Spark 2. GREATLY needed, for sure.
In my communications with Arturia, it sounds like there's very little chance of a Spark 3.
That said, I know from personal experience (to wit: getting this fucking bug fix update going, for which I'm personally in no small part responsible for) that user-noise can make Arturia do stuff.
They've been SO focused on making hardware recently that I think they've somewhat forgotten about their software.
I think if they took a good look at Spark, they'd re-invest some time to make a Spark 3.
And I, for one, would pay for it. (as long as it included CDM support.)
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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2018, 01:35:07 am »
I think if they took a good look at Spark, they'd re-invest some time to make a Spark 3.
And I, for one, would pay for it. (as long as it included CDM support.)
What the heck is CDM support??

Personally the thing that kind of ruins Spark to me is the same thing that ruins Maschine, I don't know of any "song" mode that allows you to record yourself jamming out patterns into the song layout. You're stuck arranging the patterns by hand and with the computer. That would be a big change, along with a way to record a pattern that overlays things like cymbal hits etc. after the arrangement is done.

Spark 3 added those things in I would update in a second, honestly though if Spark 3 came out I would probably just update. I prefer the MIDI drop single song pattern approach of Spark over Maschines 16 MIDI channel, multiple port approach.


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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2018, 01:55:02 am »
I think if they took a good look at Spark, they'd re-invest some time to make a Spark 3.
And I, for one, would pay for it. (as long as it included CDM support.)
What the heck is CDM support??

Personally the thing that kind of ruins Spark to me is the same thing that ruins Maschine, I don't know of any "song" mode that allows you to record yourself jamming out patterns into the song layout. You're stuck arranging the patterns by hand and with the computer. That would be a big change, along with a way to record a pattern that overlays things like cymbal hits etc. after the arrangement is done.

Spark 3 added those things in I would update in a second, honestly though if Spark 3 came out I would probably just update. I prefer the MIDI drop single song pattern approach of Spark over Maschines 16 MIDI channel, multiple port approach.

CDM support means their first hardware controller for the software. The one before the SparkLE, which they sell now.
The CDM is a good deal larger, AND has a small screen. It ALSO (and wonderful-wonderfully) has three assignable knobs PER PAD (easily set up using the hardware, to boot. Change the assignment on-the-fly) The SparkLE has only the one set of 3 knobs shared by all of them.
I got the Spark software with the V Collection 4, and BOY was it awesome when I got the hardware controller about a year later. Its layout is exactly the same as the software's, which is nice and intuitive.
Well ... here .... take a look: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hbcdhfo1fE4/maxresdefault.jpg
I got mine off eBay for a really good deal. The box was beat to hell, but the unit is self is in almost new condition. And I LOVE using it. Pretty much don't have to touch the software AT ALL, nor really even look at the screen. You can access pretty much everything directly on the controller. And it's pretty smooth and intuitive to use, as well. ... Building kits using the controller only can be slow and tedious perhaps. But it's great for jamming or performance.

RE: " I don't know of any "song" mode that allows you to record yourself jamming out patterns into the song layout. You're stuck arranging the patterns by hand and with the computer."

A workaround for that is to set your DAW to record MIDI OUTPUT. And make sure Spark is set (Preferences page) to send MIDI from the sequencer (and pads, cuz why not .. and it's prolly a good idea to set it to import and export Spark format MIDI)
That'll also then capture any live improv you might do on the pads to add to a sequence, right? I'm not sure if it records knob tweaking tho. I've never tried it.
You have to remember to set you DAW to record the OUTPUT of the track rather than the MIDI INPUT. I've helped several people who had difficulty with the proper setup to record MIDI performance out.
Also VERY VERY IMPORTANT is to go in and make sure Host is turned OFF within Spark. Otherwise Spark will not only play the recorded MIDI, but start playing whatever pattern is selected as well. Of course, leave Tempo Sync on. Host simply starts Spark playback when the host starts playback.
The thing is, Spark doesn't remember this setting per-project. So if you're make one setup with recorded MIDI with Host and save it, then go to another project that needs Spark itself to play the patterns, you will find that Host is now turned off and must be re-enabled.
Yeah, it's a PITA. Perhaps I should report that as a bug.
You're right tho. It'd be nice if Spark itself would record performances into the Song mode sequence. I'd not expect that to be put in there. No new features, pretty much just bux fixes.

Do not expect a Spark 3. I have communicated directly with them. It is more than unlikely, sadly.
I mean HELL! I would freakin LOVE IT if, rather than have the CDM's screen constantly scrolling the project name (useless) it would actually keep useful and pertinent information on the screen. (user-assignable and/or auto-change on-the-fly as knobs are used)
For instance: Even tho the screen is only two lines by I-forget-how-many-characters, it has enough space there to display what functions are assigned to the pad. Cuz the pad has three "current functions" at a time, right? Cuz there's three pad modes. ... I'll often try to switch from one mode to another, and have to cycle through them because I'm unsure what is already assigned to that mode -- or how many presses it will take to get to the mode I DO want.
There's plenty of other "I wish" for a Spark 3, but like I said .... As far as I can tell, it's pretty much a no.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2018, 02:33:25 am by artao »
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Re: We want Spark 3
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2018, 04:06:45 pm »
The Spark 3 uses TomTom's tried-and-true design of a four-way directional pad underneath a black-and-white display. It's a bit chunkier than Garmin's GPS watches, which integrate the controls into a circular face, but the Spark 3 felt comfortable to wear.

Wrong forum, dude.


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