You're right tho. It'd be nice if Spark itself would record performances into the Song mode sequence. I'd not expect that to be put in there. No new features, pretty much just bux fixes.
Do not expect a Spark 3. I have communicated directly with them. It is more than unlikely, sadly.
I mean HELL! I would freakin LOVE IT
There's plenty of other "I wish" for a Spark 3, but like I said .... As far as I can tell, it's pretty much a no.
Yeah it's really too bad, I have Spark, Live with Push 2, Maschine Studio, and Beatstep Pro.
In the future it's probably going to be some combination of Beatstep and Push 2 as my main drum writing tools.
Spark besides the bugs we've mentioned here is more than capable in a DAW of being a great tool for drum programming.
Maschine is utterly crippled when it comes to any song with multiple time signatures in it, this is really pretty freaking sad as NI did a great job with the user interface, but it's been years and Maschine still has bugs changing time signatures, it's really about time for me to sell it before it's worth nothing at all. I do far too many songs in odd time signatures, and it's a huge WTF? moment when a dedicated drum machine can't do anything out of straight 4/4 without glitches.
Ableton Live make a good drum machine if you're using their DAW and their hardware, but I only sometimes write in Live so... Time to delve into integrating Beatstep Pro and Battery 4, before NI pull the plug on Battery 4.

I really like the drum sounds in Spark... blegh!