Good you have posted a feature request.
Thanks for your reply.
Have you seen the video...
Yes and in the video it is set to full velocity as I want it to be as default (to me). Many presets usualy sets itself to DX7.
Therefor there is nothing wrong with the sounds in the video, as it is set to full velocity.
I have downloaded 100s of banks from the net, and all of them (I think) startup with DX7 selected.
Please read my previous post about the velocity setting is set to Full in the video i posted because he uses a DX7 as a controller. A DX7s velocity range was only 1-100. So if it in that test used the DX7 setting, then it would be wrong, but the DX7 setting is correct when using a full range 0-127 velocity controller, like i explained.
Also please read section in DX7 Vs manual too about this topic.
Here is a video where John Lemkuhl (PluginGuru) mentions it:
Lemkuhl does not compare to the original sounds in the video you posted. And if you listen, then you hear the softness in that piano sound vanish, when he set the velocity setting to Full.
You can hear the original sounds played on a real DX7 here: sound Lemkuhl use is 11 E.Piano 1 and you can hear it here: sound is wrong when Lemkuhl change the setting to Full velocity. It's very close to the original sound before he change the velocity setting to Full, and that's because he uses a modern 0-127 velocity range controller.
I have learned some things once from Lemkuhls videos, but imho this is a bummer from him.
In this video you can hear what happens when you use a DX7 as controller, and having the DX7 V velocity set to DX7. That's wrong, and thats why the video i posted by the same tester is right. Compare that to when you play a 0-127 velocity controller having DX7 V set to DX7 velocity.
And then try to set your controller to a 100 velocity if you can
(I'm not sure it can be calculated like this, but something like that will show what's going on), while having the DX7 V set to DX7 velocity. That will sound like in this wrong test.
In case the Velocity setting in DX7 V needs to be set to Full when using a 0-127 velocity controller to have the original sounds to sound like the original DX7 (Or catch the essense), then Arturia have made a bummer. But if so, then what sounds is that?
I'm not claming Arturias sounds is just like the originals. Some are closer than others. And as said, then i can also like some original sounds better on the Full velocity setting, at least in some cases, but that's not the same as it's correct.
How have you and your friends tested? Have you compared to a original DX7?
How is your controller velocity, and your DX7 V velocity?