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Author Topic: What do you think or know about this? The new V6 additions compared to others.  (Read 3135 times)


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Which application/s out there can give the same sound possibilities as the new VC6 additions?
Which application/s out there can be compared with the new VC6 additions?
I'm thinking Buchla Easel V, Clavinet V, CMI V, DX7 V and the upgraded Piano V2.

What do you think or know about this?
« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 02:33:43 pm by LBH »


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Possible alternatives:
ClavinetV - every rompler
CMI V - free sampler plus a bit crusher
DX7V - FM8 or there are free DX series emulations, some of which even support sysex import
PianoV 2 - one of the many sampled pianos available
Buchla Easel V - Reaktor Blocks includes all the modules you would need

CMI V - comes with CMI libraries and I assume (though nobody has confirmed this for me yet) it imparts its own sound to samples
DX7V - Arturia have added extensions which expand its usefulness and have reworked the UI in interesting ways which may or may not suit you
PianoV 2 - much smaller in storage size and possibly more tweakable than sampled pianos
Easel V - is unique and would take a bit of work to replicate even with Reaktor Blocks
Clavinet V - yeah, sorry, can't think of a saving grace for this

Just my thoughts - I'd be interested to hear what others think


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Can and should the applications be compared to this, and how well does Arturias applications do it in the light of the originals sound too?

Buchla Easel V vs NI Reaktor:
I could only find Reaktor with Buchla inspired ensembles from the user library. Not quite the same model. Or you can you can build one yourself, if you can.

CMI V vs UVI Darklight IIx:

Clavinet V vs Waves sampled Clavinet
I could not find any other modeled versions.
EDIT: I found out Pianotec also have a model of Clavinet D6 to use if you have a Pianotec engine. So that's one to compare to.
But i don't have any Pianotec instruments. EDIT END

DX7 vs NI FM8:

Piano V2 vs Pianotec: or XLN Audio: - Studio Grand and Modern Upright
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 09:53:31 pm by LBH »


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Regarding the Buchla Easel/Reaktor issue there are a few Buchla-style ensembles - Cloudlab 200t and WEST//are the most popular. Neither is exactly like a Buchla Easel and neither has patch cords. they do have more resources are capable of a similar style and range of sounds.

It would depend whether you felt you wanted a true emulation or just wanted a synth with those capabilities. If I had ever lusted after a Buchla the way I have after a Moog Modular or an ARP2600 I would definitely go for the V6 upgrade, given that the Piano V2 is such a huge imprrovement. For me, though, it wasn't enough to sway my choice


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Yes i think Buchla Easel V is a unique softsynth on the market.
Buchla Easel V add a new kind of synthesis and sound possibilities to Arturias V-Collection. So to me it has a place in a collection of synths that give possibilities for all kinds of music creation.
And yes an applications value also depend on, if one will use it or not. Sometimes one get inspired by a synth to use it, sometimes not.


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