When I create an FM8 sound I start from scratch and add a connection with every operator I add to the sound. But when it comes to modify a sound your haven't created yourself, the patch is probably easier to understand when working with fixed or less complex algorithms. But I guess I'm already too much into FM to understand what difficulties a "non expert" user could have.
I know that. I do that too. But as my FR that this thread is about a table/ menu, then the FM menu is best to compare with.
The idea is to have an image with the availble created algorithms.
And then i add this to make connections your self in DX7 V:
If the editor could be done so you could move around and draw connections in the current DX7 V algorithm windows and save that setting in the same visual manor, then it would be great.
I just want it to be done in a way, where the original algorithms is kept apart, and in a way where things is as simple and as visual as possible, even if it should become possible to make complex user algorithms. That's where my suggestion matter.
It's about creating a userfriendly application ..........
I know you in FM8s Matrix can control parameters too. I use FM8 that way. But DX7 V is'nt FM8. And it should imho not be so.
Do you wan't a Matrix like FM8 in DX7 V? There could be one, but i still think avaible algorithms should be seen as images in a table/ menu like my suggestion is about to create this thread.
Are you saying you in DX7 V don't wan't avaible algoritms to be shown as images in a table/ menu like i suggest?
What's your point?
And in addition - How would you like the editor you suggest to look like and be implemented in DX7 V and it's visual and functional user design as it's created?
Do you wan't a whole different DX7 V design? I don't.
Edit:Perhaps you have not understood my suggestion.
What i suggest is to be able to pick a algorithm from a table/ menu, just like when you for example click on the wave, then you get a table/ menu up where you can see all the waveforms at the same time and then pick one to use.
My suggestion is not a suggestion to only have pre fabricated algorithms. I just suggest to be able to have a overview/ menu of many algorithms at a time to pick one to use from.
You can have multiple named menus to choose algorithms from, if you have many algorithms. And that could be algorithms you have created yourself as well. But one menu i wan't to keep only having the original algorithms to choose from.
The way DX7 V picture the algorithm in the algorithm window is how the picture should be shown in the menu, and in the algorithm window, when you pick one to work with.
I would prefere the algorithm look the same in an editor, no matter how much functionality that editor will have.
In a way i don't mind it have FM8s functionality, but in a DX7 V way. If you can build your user algorithms on a graphical editor, that look like the algorithm display DX7 vs already have, then you could have all relevant parameters in that editor too for that matter, but keeping an image also to be saved in menus. Those menu you then can access from both the editor and from the frontpanel Algorithm display/ selector, while keeping this displays current functionality too. Functionality like stepping thru a selected menus algorithms. But you will also have the possibility to see all the algorithms in a menu at the same time to pick one from, so you don't have to step thru them in the blind. The same functionality could and should be in an editor.
Are you against this? what is it you wan't, that i don't?
Edit end.