Would you be willing to send me one of your Cubase session where you are experiencing the issue ? I do not reproduce on my Cubbase 9. Do you have some kind of specific user mapping that could interferate with the Keylab Essential ?
Thanks, but no session is required. As a test, I have removed all my VST plugins, started Cubase up with an empty project, added a MIDI track and tried to record fader controller messages from my KeyLab Essential. Faders 3, 5-9 worked fine. Faders 1, 2 and 4 recorded no midi information.
Note, I did this after a factory reset to be sure.
Cubase Pro 9 is a fresh install. I don't have user mappings.
Maybe I have a faulty keyboard? Then it doesn't make sense why it works in Analog Lab 2 standalone app?