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Author Topic: There unfortunately seems to be bugs with the Humana Upper Resonator section  (Read 7415 times)


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There unfortunately seems to be a bug/ bugs with the Humana Upper Resonator section.
I have tried both standalone application and VST3.

To replicate the bug/ bugs for example try this:

1. Create a sound that only use Humana.
2. Press the lowest key and then hit the highest key while the lowest key is pressed. You'll notice the volume and the sound for the lowest key change. This change will stay for the notes played afterwards. There should not be this change.
Also notice it's like the lowest key is re-triggered when you hit the highest key. There should be no re-trigger.

1. Create a sound that only use Humana and set it to full Sustain length.
2. Hit the highest key shortly and while it's in the sustain length phase hit the lowest key. You'll hear the highest key note is cut off. The high key note in the sustain phase should not be cut off.
3. If you do it the other way around and play the lowest key first, then the note is'nt cut of, but it seems to be because of the high key hit re-trigger the low key. The re-trigger is wrong like in example A.

I have tried with different poly settings and split/ layer settings so the bass section is'nt activated.
When not using Humana the described things seems to work as exspected.

I hope this will be fixed soon. I found out because i should use this, but i can't use it the way i wanted too, as it is.

EDIT: Using the Crescendo perhaps make the described re-triggering of lower keys even more clear.  Perhaps depending on how you play. EDIT END.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 08:30:49 pm by LBH »


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To be clear:
The issues seems to be when using "Humana".
The Resonator Section seems to work with other upper selections like "Violin".

Matt Arturia

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Good find. There is indeed some strange behavior. I'll report this to the DevTeam.




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Hi Matt,

That's great.

I for one report different things to get them fixed or sorted out somehow. Also because i wish the best for and from Arturias applications. I assume you/ Arturia in generel have an eye on the things reported in the forums and get them fixed, also when you don't respond/ confirm. But it's nice to get things confirmed or sorted out somehow.



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Arturia we have been waiting way to long allready for updates. And then when they finally come, you have not fixed that much.
Why have even such important things like this not been fixed?


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It looks like all the focus has been on new instruments to get new sales. Not supporting your customers is a risky business model if you're planning to have a long-term future


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This is unfortunately still not fixed in the new update version 2.3.1391. Why not?
It's very disapointing.


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This issue also influence the new AIR soundpacks preset "Femme Strings". Just play a single low note and hold it while playing a single high note, then it's very clear.
When disabling the Humana section on this presets there is no issue, but the Humana section is a vital part of this fine preset.


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Now version Still the same issue. It should have been fixed allready. It's a confirmed bug.


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Hi guys,
sorry for being late on this one.
As Matt said, this bug has been reported in our database. But since this report, we managed to get answers.
I can tell this is unfortunately by design, even if definitely weird, and this behavior also happens on real hardware:

The Vox Humana voice was in fact borrowed from the Polymoog Keyboard 280a. This voice includes a filter that opens up more when you play higher frequencies, but doesn't reset until you release all keys. This explains LBH both (A) and (B) observed situations, although you have to listen very carefully to still hear the high note (i.e. it is not cut off, it is just heavily filtered).

Hope it helps,


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Thanks Germaine. An answer is allways good. Better late than never.

The way i see it, then Solina V is a Solina emulation. It's not a Polymoog. The modeled resonators is added to Solina V as an extra  soundsource.
As you can blend sounds in Solina V, then it to me is a wrong decission, that the sounds can't be choosen to allways behave the same, no matter how you play.
It's Arturias decision, but i think, it would be a good decision to make this possible.

If you wish, then it could be adding a choice to use the current playmode (trigger) for the resonator section, or to just have the resonator section to follow the excisting Poly and Paraphonic playmodes just like other sounds in Solina V, without adding something speciel for the resonators, that actually can restrict your playing for all sounds that use the resonators. It's this restriction i wan't to be able to get away from in one way or another.

I do hope you do this, as i found this behavior because i played a blended sound, where something sounded wrong. And then i found out what it was.



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