Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.
This is only my guess. It would be nice if Arturia could make things clear.
I don't know if the below can help you. Perhaps something similar - whatever it is - is going on with AU plug-ins on a MAC.
First - In my automap application i can enable plug-ins to use automap/ Wrap. The wrapped versions themselfs are not showing. That i find normal.
Then -
I have observed that while VST2 plug-ins have the file extension .dll, then the VST3s file extension is .vst3.
My VST2 automap wrapped plug-ins likewise have the file extension .dll, while the VST3s perhaps is'nt wrapped but only have automap files with the file extension .vst3 and the file name starting with a !. I think this means the automap is attached/ linked to the VST3.
Only my VST2 automap enabled/ wrapped plug-ins show up in my DAW showing the text automap in its name. Not my VST3s.
Does this mean VST3 plug-ins are'nt automap wrapped but only have a automap attached to it? Perhaps.
When i load a Arturia VST3 (at least when automap enabled), then i can recall a automap. However at first i for some odd reason had to hit the "FX" and not the "INST" button on my Novation SL MKII cotroller, and then hit "View". Then the auto map opened, and i could chage the group name to INST instead of FX to get it on the controllers INST button.
I don't know what this excactly means, but would like an explanation. It look like there is automap, but perhaps without being automap wrapped. I really would like to be certain about this, if anyone could make it clear.
(Also remember that some DAWs like Studio One that i use in some cases only show either the VST3 ot the VST2 versions and not both, depending on your setup.)
I'm on Windows.
Arturia can you help out on the understanding of this? If so please do so.