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Author Topic: Urgent. Avast security blocking the latest ASC version 1.2.1. No apps work.  (Read 3803 times)


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Why is my Avast internet security blocking the latest ASC version 1.2.1?
Avast tell it is send to Avast virus lab for investigation because it can be damaging? I can't use ASC now.
What to do? How to fix this?
Fortunately i have not tried to open the new ASC on my main music PC yet. But at a point i shall. And then i would like it worked.
Unfortunately this issue also means i can't use any of Arturias products. Tell they are not activated because of this issue. They are useless at this point. So it's urgent to get fixed.
I wonder if this will make my apps on my main computer to stop working too. I fear so.

I can tell that i some times have exsperienced some Arturia applications was blocked as virus. This i could resolve. But i wonder why this happens sometimes. It's only with Arturia applications i exsperience this. My Avast also allways run speciel scans for Arturia applications that it don't do for other applications.

Some answers to this would be nice. Ths is disturbing.

I have also contacted Avast. But something must trigger my Avast to act on Arturia products.

EDIT: I have found a insecure way to run the applications. But this is not acceptable.

Can i have both a online and offline activation running on one PC that's connected to the internet, but so it's also activated if i disconnect the internet? Will it count two activations?

« Last Edit: December 01, 2016, 10:01:33 pm by LBH »


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UPDATE.  I have got a message from Avast Virus Lab that the file is clean and put in their database. And now it works.
However i still would like some answers to my questions.


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