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Author Topic: Purchased product registration  (Read 4102 times)

Christian Ratajczak

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Purchased product registration
« on: November 21, 2016, 08:58:44 pm »
Hi everyone,

I am experiencing problems with Arturia support.  I think there is a miscommunication between me and the folks who provide support.  My problem is simple to resolve, yet it has not been resolved since 2014 when I made the purchase.  In 2014 I have purchased the expansion packs for the Spark.  I've been charged the proper amount, and never received licenses for three expansion packs out of the four I've purchased.  I've emailed the support folks, and all I got is a link to the download.  My account does not reflect the license numbers and codes for the three expansion packs, but it shows I've purchased them and the license numbers and codes as PENDING.  Can someone please put some pressure on the Arturia folks to address this.  I own lots of Arturia products, the Origin Desktop version, the whole V Package, and Spark. 

The Order Number is WS-141116-ZHVV88-1246. I need license #, unlock codes and download link in my Arturia Account for HOLLYWOOD ESSENTIALS, SPARK EDM - ESSENTIALS, SPARK DUBSTEP - ESSENTIALS. I only received license #, unlock codes and download link in my Arturia Account for SPARK VDM for the order WS-141116-ZHVV88-1246. Arturia, can you please reissue the proper numbers so I can get these products. These need to be in my account since I use the Arturia Software Center and it shows I do not own the license for these products.  Thank you. Christian

Christian Ratajczak

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Re: Purchased product registration
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2016, 07:18:25 pm »
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to express my thanks to Jerome from Arturia, who has resolved my issues with licensing of the expansion packs.  Folks who often resolve our problems do not get the recognition when they do great work, but they get all the anger when us, the customers, are not satisfied with the product, support or response. 

Therefore, I want to thank Jerome and tell everyone here that Arturia does care about us the users.  Encouragement can be a great motivator, negativity is not.  Thank you to all the folks at Arturia for their support, engineering of great products.  We as customers will do everything within a reason to support their innovation and work, so we can benefit as users of their creations and use them for our creations and hobbies.

Best Regards,


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