When I first try Piano V I actually was not happy at all with that. I had other sample based instruments which I preferred a lot more so I did not spend a lot of time with it.
Last week I decided to further investigate on that and I did some adjustment (Eq, mic and hardness). I then tryed a direct comaparison in Cubase (by direct switching from one instrument to the other it is easier to compare sound/feelings of each of them)among: Piano V, Ravenscroft 270, Halion 5 The Raven.
I had to say that at the end Piano V sound actually good (far better than the Raven) and, in my opinion, comparable to Ravenscroft. But without any tweat, actually even The Raven could sound better than Piano V....
So, I think that Arturia should have worked a bit more in providing more good sounding patches (especially for pop piano) because in my opinion those provided are very far from what you can obtain after few tweakining.
Of course there is still space to improve the instrument, for instance by adding more trick on the phisical modelling side, to improve relative resonance of string or sustain pedal resonance.
Nevertheless, at end, Piano V can sound really good