The button to open the instrument view is located here:


In order to open an instrument in Analog Lab 2, you need to have a licence for the V Collection 5 version of this instrument, and you also need to have it installed on your computer.
- Why does Analog Lab work only with the VC5 upgrades ?
The first Analog Lab opened the synth as VST to be able to play their sounds and show their GUI. This meant that loading a preset was sometimes really long because it needed to instantiate the whole VST. Analog Lab 2 is able to directly use the lightweight audio engines of each instruments, making it way faster at loading presets. Unfortunately this means it can't work with the older versions, because only the newest version of the synth have the technology to do this. It was not a simple choice to drop the compatibility, but in the end it's really what make Analog Lab 2 faster and more stable.
- Why do I need to have licence to open the synth in Analog Lab 2 ?
It's actually the same as an Analog lab 1: if you don't have a licence, you can still play the sounds and tweak the main parameters from the Analog Lab controls. But if you want to fully edit you synth sound, then you need a licence. And because of the previous point, then yes, you need a licence for the VC5 version.
- Why do I need to install the synth in order to open it in Analog Lab 2 ?
As you might have noticed, with the new GUI our plugins have gained a few megabytes. Analog Lab 2 only installs what's absolutely needed to play the sounds, but not all the GUIs. Including all GUIs in Analog Lab would means a 6GB+ installer, which is not acceptable, especially since most people that own an individual plug-in would install it in addition to Analog Lab anyway.