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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Printable cheat sheet for all functions including new ones from firmware update  (Read 2279 times)


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I think that the card that came with the Beatstep Pro had a few of the quick shortcuts to functions, but wondered if anyone has come across or put together a document with all of the functions and key combinations that need to be pressed for the Beatstep Pro? This could be pretty handy to have around. I started a text only document with some of these, but thought I'd check here to see if anyone has a full list already in text form and wants to paste it in a reply to this thread. I think it would be helpful to people here.


  • Apprentice
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Bump! I have odd commands scribbled on bits of paper. It's not ideal!


  • Apprentice
  • Apprentice
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  • Posts: 23
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someone come up with a printable something, then I can put it up next to my copy of the Camelot Wheel.


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