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Author Topic: Firmware is out!  (Read 25614 times)


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2015, 12:33:49 am »
Really glad some work on the firmware has been released, but I'm unsure which bug fixes have been implemented with this revision?

And Terry, we know you're not responsible. Thanks for the heads up about the release, and clarity on what is or isn't happening with this release.

I hope Arturia have you on the payroll. You are their saving grace.


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2015, 08:50:27 am »
Ok I see the bug fix list

Looks like the midi din sequencing issues still aren't fixed.

I can't believe it is a companies policy to release a product that doesn't do what it says on the packaging. I also can't believe the beta testers and staff missed so many issues.

Code: [Select]
New Features
Huge improvement of external clock handling for higher internal resolution

Show firmware version on the four sequencer displays during startup

Fixed Bugs
Switching from CLK to INT sync while the sequencer plays would sometimes freeze the sequencer.

Looper would not behave correctly when sync is set to "CLK"

When slaved to a MIDI clock, the sent clock was half the tempo

On Sequencer 2, legato playing while in record mode would cut the CV output when releasing the first note

Displayed tempo and real tempo sometimes would not perfectly match

In some cases, metronome notes were not sent in time with the external clock sync

Control Map was not loaded properly from the MIDI Control Center

MIDI was not always transmitted correctly when synchronized to an external clock

No gate off messages were sent when synchronized to an external clock (1 pulse per step)

Playback would stop when saving a project

Tempo display was wrong when slaved to USB in some DAWs

DIN 24 sync was late

When synchronized to USB, BeatStep Pro does not transmit the MMC Play message back.


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2015, 03:44:57 pm »
With this new release the PC version of MCC the sync button and function is not available. You can still recall from and store to but the live sync to the device is now broken. You can tell when you launch MCC the sync button appears for only a moment before disappearing. MIDI console shows no comms going to or from the BSP.

OK, that is terrifying. Anyone else confirm this? Also, if I do update the firmware and run into this sync issue, will MCC allow the BSP firmware to be rolled back using the .LED file?

Valentin Arturia

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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2015, 04:36:27 pm »
Hi Bleo,

We've removed the Sync option which wasn't really relevant. Now you have to store or drag and drop your control map (instead of do it in real time when synced). That's not so terrifying ;)


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2015, 05:27:00 pm »
@Valentin why isn't the real-time info in the MIDI console being shown or the hits to the pads in control mode while it is connected to the PC over USB?


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2015, 09:03:09 pm »
Hi Bleo,

We've removed the Sync option which wasn't really relevant. Now you have to store or drag and drop your control map (instead of do it in real time when synced). That's not so terrifying ;)

Why remove something that worked well? That's really frustrating. I liked the realtime Sync functionality.

This is really irresponsible programming and a bad business practice. To get bug fixes, I have to settle for losing functionality I previously had. So either way, the unit doesn't function the way it was advertised when I bought it. Not cool.

So as I previously asked, is it possible to downgrade the firmware? I'm open to trying the new firmware, but I'd also like to decide for myself if these fixes are worth losing Sync.


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2015, 09:46:00 pm »
Can anyone who's used the new firmware confirm the midi slave/clk issue has been resolved. Thank you.


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2015, 09:56:45 pm »
Really glad some work on the firmware has been released, but I'm unsure which bug fixes have been implemented with this revision?

And Terry, we know you're not responsible. Thanks for the heads up about the release, and clarity on what is or isn't happening with this release.

I hope Arturia have you on the payroll. You are their saving grace.

Thanks for the support! And no I'm not on the payroll...


ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
ASC,Vcol6, Beatstep pro, VCOL8, Synclavier v.Minibrute2s


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2015, 09:59:27 pm »
Ok I see the bug fix list

Looks like the midi din sequencing issues still aren't fixed.

I can't believe it is a companies policy to release a product that doesn't do what it says on the packaging. I also can't believe the beta testers and staff missed so many issues.

Is it not working for you as I'm sure its fixed 
ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
ASC,Vcol6, Beatstep pro, VCOL8, Synclavier v.Minibrute2s


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2015, 02:11:00 am »
Clock sync no longer functions at all for me on the new firmware.

I tested the signal from my CR5000, into the BSP, to my mixer so I could hear the pulse. 

I select clock mode, hit play, nothing.  No sound.

Roll back to the previous firmware, works without issue.

I was looking forward to this release hoping Arturia would fix the issue with syncing external analog clock to midi time code.

Now I kind of just want my money back.  Is there an older firmware floating around that has this functionality?  I don't really care about using it with a computer, so whatever updates the new firmware brings aren't terribly relevant to me.


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2015, 02:22:13 am »
Clock sync no longer functions at all for me on the new firmware.

I tested the signal from my CR5000, into the BSP, to my mixer so I could hear the pulse. 

I select clock mode, hit play, nothing.  No sound.

Roll back to the previous firmware, works without issue.

I was looking forward to this release hoping Arturia would fix the issue with syncing external analog clock to midi time code.

Now I kind of just want my money back.  Is there an older firmware floating around that has this functionality?  I don't really care about using it with a computer, so whatever updates the new firmware brings aren't terribly relevant to me.

Same problem here. New firmware will not run as a slave. I did successfully roll back to in the MCC. Sounds like it has something to do with the disabling the real-time sync functionality described above. Very disappointing Arturia.  :(


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2015, 03:31:23 am »
"Sync" in the MCC software is not related to clock sync- that was just how edited settings were sent to the hardware.
And I'm glad they changed it, I thought it was counterintuitive to the way I expected the software to work...
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 03:32:54 am by Zymos »


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2015, 03:56:08 am »
Now I'm getting a stuck, then non-functional pad #8 (far right bottom / high C) after the first hit. Wasn't there before. Other pads seem to work fine.

Update: It's literally hit or miss on this pad 8 lockup issue. Sometimes plays fine other times not so much. Tried clearing out all the patterns, reloaded firmware and same thing. Didn't exist in previous firmware.

Hopefully we won't have to wait another month for some fixes.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 05:07:10 am by Steinberger »

Valentin Arturia

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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2015, 03:01:44 pm »
"Sync" in the MCC software is not related to clock sync- that was just how edited settings were sent to the hardware.
And I'm glad they changed it, I thought it was counterintuitive to the way I expected the software to work...


As Zymos says MCC Sync (which is now removed) has nothing to do with External Synchronization (USB, MIDI, CLK).
The Sync option in the MCC was there to be able to :
-change Control Mode Pads and Knobs in real time
-check MIDI I/O with the MIDI console
-click on a project or template to recall/store it

Ext Sync is used to synchronized two devices, one as master, the other as slave. The Ext Sync is still available and you can run your BSP as USB, MIDI or CLK slave or master. We've made some improvements on this side and it's working.

@neurator : it's strange that you're able to run as slave with the previous FW but not this one. Have you set everything correctly ? If you prefer the previous versions of MCC and BSP FW, you can download them at http://www.arturia.com/beatstep-pro/resources (click on [show archive]).

« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 03:20:30 pm by Valentin Arturia »


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Re: Firmware is out!
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2015, 05:13:02 am » instead of properly fixing the MMC Start issue they stopped sending MMC commands at all. So you can't use it BSP as a transport control anymore.

EDIT: previously, I wrote about the device losing the sync after a minute or so - the problem was in the faulty USB cable (a stock one). I replaced the cable with a quality one (a thick cable with two ferrite rings on both ends with good connectors) - my BSP now runs flawlessly with an external clock.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2015, 03:40:59 pm by dm13 »


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