Most of them so called NEW features were already in the previous version ?
And when my Daw clock is set to 120bpm the BSP still does not display the correct tempo
it jumps about all over the place. So that has not been fixed. SO NO HUGE IMPROVMENT HERE
And when I startup the BSP the displays DO NOT SHOW THE FIRMWEAR REVISION
So for me this was NOT a upgrade per say. But mainly bug fixes for those that use cv and gate
Come on Arturia pull your finger out and stop with the lies
what about the main defect in the BSP (in my opinion of course)- not finishing the current sequence when switching to another one. Is that going to be addressed? It's a huge shortcoming.
and also copy seq1 to seq 2 ? whats happened to that chestnut?
the two main updates people were asking for and nothing
