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Author Topic: Possible corrupt presets  (Read 8033 times)


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Possible corrupt presets
« on: September 05, 2015, 12:21:54 pm »

Some time ago I noticed that many of the presets in my CS-80V looked strange.
Many of the sub-banks have been changed to "Basses" and the preset called C.L. Courtjester shows up
All the C.L. courtjester presets sound the same, except for the original C.L.Courtjester preset in the C.Laurence-bank, which
I assume sounds the way it was supposed to.
I have attached a picture of some of the banks that look, and sound, funny.

Is there a way to rebuild my presets? Or at least return the CS-80V to it's original presets and give me a fresh start?



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Re: Possible corrupt presets
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2015, 05:51:56 pm »

Some time ago I noticed that many of the presets in my CS-80V looked strange.
Many of the sub-banks have been changed to "Basses" and the preset called C.L. Courtjester shows up
All the C.L. courtjester presets sound the same, except for the original C.L.Courtjester preset in the C.Laurence-bank, which
I assume sounds the way it was supposed to.
I have attached a picture of some of the banks that look, and sound, funny.

Is there a way to rebuild my presets? Or at least return the CS-80V to it's original presets and give me a fresh start?


I don't understand why you got all the "C.L. courtjester" Prestes you are talkining about.

However -   I think your preset data are messed up somehow.
You can try this.

First run a virus and malware scan. I don't think this is about virus or malware, but just in case.

Then on windows (On MAC you can do something similar.):

1. If you hav'nt done this allready then, eksport and back up you own user preset's, if they are not corrupt,

2. On Windows be sure you can see the hidden files. Enable "Show hidden files" option on windows.

3. On the path C/ ProgramData/ Arturia/ - you find CS-80 folder/ folders.
(Only visible if you see the hidden files.)
Create a back-up of the folder/ folders (Just in case so you have a copy), and then delete the CS-80 folder/ folders.

4. Uninstall and reinstall latest version of CS-80. Now you should have the factory content back.

5. Import your own user preset's you have eksported and import third party preset's if you have any. Then you should have a clean CS-80 with both the factory, user and third party content.

Perhaps Ben Arturia or another moderator will verify this procedure?

I hope this will help you.
Good luck.


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Re: Possible corrupt presets
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2015, 08:03:47 pm »

I have now tried uninstalling the CS-80V plugin, and removing all associated files.
When I re-install the plug-in the same presets appear, and they are still wrong.

Any ideas?

I'm on Mac OSX 10.8

- Fred


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Re: Possible corrupt presets
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2015, 09:39:20 pm »

I have now tried uninstalling the CS-80V plugin, and removing all associated files.
When I re-install the plug-in the same presets appear, and they are still wrong.

Any ideas?

I'm on Mac OSX 10.8

- Fred


If you have done what i suggeted, especially deleted the hidden files i mentioned  before a reinstall as that is a most important thing to do, then i don't know what to do. That is if you have the wrong files  before you import additional presets after the install, as else the fault then must be in a imported bank. Then you have to check out wich bank that have corrupt files.
Also if you hav'nt then do the reinstall thru the Arturia Software Center (ASC) and if you can't do that with a new download from Arturia's downloads site.

Else i suggest you contact Arturia support.

I can tell, that i had a similar problem. Ben Arturia guided me to do as i have told you you try, and that solved it. But i did have some corrupt user banks to i had too. I had to drop those banks. Perhaps you can save some preset by resaving them in a new bank, and then delete the old bank.

Perhaps someone else have other suggestions.

Good luck.


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Re: Possible corrupt presets
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2015, 12:55:36 am »
I finally managed to reset the CS80 now!

When attempting to do the fresh install I was following Arturias list of folders to delete to completely remove a plug-in,
but there was one folder missing.
~/Library/preferences/<instrument> folder

Obviously all presets were retained in that folder when re-installing. When I deleted that folder in addition to the ones
in Arturias list the plug-in installed correctly.
My CS80 is now like new again.

Thanks for helping!


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