1. The way the beatstep pro deals with saving patterns is kind of counter intuitive: u make some patterns in the flow, it totally forget to save the individual patterns, would be much more intuitive to have all the patterns saved by playing and then saved the project to maintain all patterns and changes.
2. PAttern change next bar, 1/4, 1/2, etc//
3. Drum sequences option on every pad on different midi channel
4. mpc style pad rolls !!! - we cna use the roller/looperfor that + please also workin when no seq. layin!!!
5. The controller mode: Would be nice to have where the patterns are with the sequences to have presets in the controllermode ~~
6.! THE editor: the whole global part is one huge roll down and up: some sub dividation (in the GUI ) would be awesome !
i like the beatstep pro a lot already !