My thoughts after playing with it for a bunch of time yesterday, using the CV/Gate & Clock ins & outs:
- Transpose mode latch!!! I don't want to use two hands to transpose a pattern. In fact, right now the "keyboard" mode, when you play notes with the pads while NOT recording, isn't really useful at all (cut off notes/gates), so it would be great to be able to switch just the pads between keyboard and transpose mode
- Auto Save for patterns. Having to save each pattern before switching to another one is really cumbersome when playing and improvising live.
- Different kinds of analog clock signal outputs. Many people report sync problems with various analog gear (myself included). It would be great if one could change the BSP's analog clock output to various different voltages and trigger/gate lengths.
- Option to disable the TIE shortcut. When playing live, I often need to enable/disable several sequencer steps quickly. Right now, if I press two steps at the same time, it creates a held note, overwriting note & gate data, which is very hard to undo quickly.